Start-Up India Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs (Update on 14 March 2017) *** Language of Writing is as of Update Date *** To uplift the participation of women in entrepreneurship, the central government is planning to launch a new scheme. The government is working on “Start Up India” ini...
Women Entrepreneurs India understands that every women entrepreneur needs specific funding support to grow and bloom in this present day. Contact us for all the business funding needs you and your business require. Women Entrepreneurs India is a one-stop funding services provider that helps your busi...
Global economic downturns often lead entrepreneurs to find innovative solutions to life’s problems. The tech unicorns founded during the 2008 recession are collectively worth nearly $150 billion. Around 1 in 5 startups fail in the first year (National Business Capital) Overall, startups have a...
Stand-Up India for Financing SC/ST and Women Entrepreneurs Headed by Ministry of small and medium enterprises Industry Any About the Scheme Stand Up India facilitates bank loans between 10 lakh and 1 crore to scheduled caste (S.C.) or Scheduled Tribe and one women entrepreneur for greenfield p...
Startupcity Magazine is India`s Leading Monthly Business Magazine for Business Startups, Young Entrepreneurs, VCs, CEO`s. It is a trusted source of Startup & Business News
Location: Bangalore, India Funding: $28.4M (Series B) What they do:Supertailsis a pet health startup that provides veterinary telehealthcare and home delivery of pet care products and food. Founded in 2021, the companyhas already raised upwards of $2.6Mfrom a range of investors, including ...
DigitalYug - India's Platform for Startups & Entrepreneurs DigitalYug "डिजिटलयुग" is anIndian Digital Media Platform & Publication House"इंडियन डिजिटल मीडिया प्लेटफार्म एंड पब...
Entrepreneurs of India is an online community that aims to inspire, encourage and teach the next generation of Indian business owners. We cover Indian startup stories of young entrepreneurs and tech startups. All the motivation, news, tips and resources
38. Women Who Startup Radio Follow Play Website Apple Spotify YouTube Women Who Startup is a learning community for Entrepreneurs. Women Who Startup Radio is our official podcast, reaching a global audience. Headquartered in Colorado and Founded by @lizellevanvuurenMORE Producer/Network Women Wh...
Startup India - A New Paradigm for Young Entrepreneurs (A Conceptual Study)UnemploymentStart up IndiaWork ForceBank FinancingEntrepreneurshipIndia is the second largest populous country in the world with 1.2 billion population strength. To cover up this large population there exist large potentiality...