It seems that the command "aws ssm start-session" does not work for users starting with "test". It gives the error below. I made several tests with multiple users names (with the same administrator permissions) and all users beginning wi...
Sugestion:use internal vscode code that spawns the ssh comand , reads the file and pipes intosshor even better , don't create the file in the first place and just write the commands directly to the ssh pipe... Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub.Already have an account...
Send the information to the Session Server Check if starting sessions is enabled Attempt to Start the session via link/fastx-protocol Attempt to start the session via sudo (if link start failed) Attempt to start the session via ssh (if sudo start failed) License Check Session StartWeb Server...
原因 每次使用ssh 远程新的连接,都会在~/.ssh/known_hosts文件上生成 ssh 秘钥对,更新了远程密码后,需要删除对应的 ssh 秘钥。不然会报错。 解决方案 找到文件~/.ssh/known_hosts,找到你要远程连接的 ip,删除对应的秘钥,比如我远程连接47.98.202.133,将下图的框起来的删除即可:...
问题原因:通过springboot的启动类来启动springboot项目时,报错。但是通过maven packeage打包后,再启动没有问题。 org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'applicationRunnerImpl': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'appXSession'; nested exception is ...
I was able to complete installation by adding the flag --hostname and the IP address that I use for ssh to the installation command. I then had to add “export CRYOSPARC_FORCE_HOSTNAME=true” to the master file. This allowed it to start but didn’t assign a user so I had...
The SSH connection is possible, but the attemptedsystemctlorjournalctlcommands failed to identify the problematic service.lightdm.serviceindicates that the system is running smoothly. Thanks in advance, Bertram Solution: Although it may be tardy, I have recently discovered the possibility of utilizing:...
My proftpd is stopped after I restart my server. When I click Start Proftpd on virtualmin, it showed me Failed to start service : Starting proftpd: [FAILED]. Then I login to my server through ssh and I used these command but it give me error of ...
Could you please tell me if you are trying to start Weston from the serial terminal or SSH?If it's the case the problem is related with the session used to start Weston. I could resolve the issue in my side starting Weston in the display output (the terminal shown in your LVDS disp...
PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Box\Box Edit\;C:\MCR\v90\runtime\win32;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020b\runtime\win64;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020b\bin;...