YouaregoingtoreadabouttheSpringFestivalandtheDragonBoatFestival. Activity1:Circlethefollowingonthebookandmemorizethem.在书中圈画。 unusualadj.不平常的/usual(反义词) treatv.请客,款待,招待 myselfpron.我本人,我亲自,我自己 dumplingn.水饺 wholeadj.全部的,整个的 becomev.成为,变成 chefn.厨师/chefs(复数...
课文翻译 教材原文 The D-DAY LANDINGS By spring 1944, the Second World War had been raging across the globe for about five years. But along the south coast of England, something unusual was happening: Allied troops made up mainly of British, Canadian and American soldiers were gath...
7 Work in pairs.Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions. 1.Probably not.The writer uses exaggeration to draw readers' implication.His movement which was exaggerated represents his nervousness and shyness about meeting the new students. 2.No,it seems not.The tutor asks ...
1.Howmanystudentsarethereinmyclass?2...3...HowIcanfindoutmore...1.Icantalktomyteacher.2...3...Whatdoes meanforyouatjuniorhigh?Learnsomeexpressions(表达)andtakenotes(记笔记).Whatdoes meanforyouatjuniorhigh?completethequestionnaire Whatwasyourfirstlessonatjuniorhigh?□Chinese□Geography□Music ...
1 Guess and match the sentences with the countries. 教材原图 What do people do on the first day of school □Russia □ Indonesia □ France □ the USA 1 Parents and students visit the school. 3 New students give flowers to their teachers. ...
You can start with a numeral, and the context should tell you what the numeral relates to. In this case a new year. Grammar-Monster (Susan's second link) has: For neatness, try to avoid starting sentences with figures. However, if the number at the start of your sentence has a decima...
Unit 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas 课件 外研版七年级英语上册课件 Unit1Anewstart Part1Startingout&Understandingideas 单词闯关 1.缺乏;没有 _w__it_h_o_u_t_2.句子 _s_e_n_te_n_c_e_3.开始(做某事)_s_ta_r_t_4.错误 _m__is_t_a_k_e_5.有礼貌的,客气的_p_o_l_it_e_6....
My son, who just turned three, really loves interacting with these books. He is finally at the age where he knows most of the words and understands most of the phrases. The books hold his attention due to the vibrant drawings, entertaining sentences, and catchy music. My one-year-old dau...
Beforegoingtoschool Arrivingatschool date,day DuringtheEnglishclass Tip:Writeinthefirstpersonbyusing"I”.AftertheEnglishclass 设想一遍又一遍醒来冲出门渴望地 picture overandoveragainwakeuprushoutofthedoorinmyeagerness 探索在布告板转身回复走进走到前面一个接一个 explore onthenoticeboardturnaroundreplystepinto...