I have learnt about photosynthesis in plants. I can talk about the benefits of plants. ★Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】1.Review the words, phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students’ book.Teaching reflection 【教学反思】In this period, there are more new words and expressions. We ...
When it comes to– this English phrase is almost identical to the first one and can also be used in all life situations to make it easier for you to answer questions and start sentences: “Is there anything in particular I should know when printing out sales invoices?”–“Well, WHEN IT...
in the following way.e.g.:He had pictured the first day again and again,so he was excited about going to school.8.Are there other ways of expressing Meng Hao's feelings?(Exclamatory sentences) 阅读文本梳理结构提炼概括整合信息。 Activity 5 Appreciate and createSs are required to evaluate ...
Part 1 -ed as adverbial Step 2 Activity 2: Rewrite the underlined sentences with the –ed form.(Page5) Last week, attracted by a particular article in a magazine, Anne bought it. Praised in class, Anne felt happy as well as ashamed. Shocked by the decision, Anne did not...
10.Ifyousaytheword“communication”,mostpeoplethinkwordsandsentences.? Ⅲ.完成句子 1.昨天的交通事故到底是在哪里发生的? theroadaccidenthappenedyesterday?? 2.有那么多事情要做,她今天上午没有时间去购物了。 ,shewon’thavetimetogoshoppingthismorning.? 3.迈克有可能提前完成这项任务。 thetaskaheadoftime....
Activity3Analyzethecomplexsentences 1.ThatiswhyLettersfromFatherChristmascouldbetheperfectbookforthosewhoregard Christmasasaspecialtimeofyear. [句式分析]此句是复合句,why引导的是表语从句;who引导的是定语从句,修饰代词those; regard...as...意为“把……看作……”,相当于treat/consider/thinkof...as...。
(2)There are all sorts of flowers in the garden in the center of the city. (3)Sort out the following messages that are mixed up to make complete sentences. (4)He spent an hour sorting out the emails he had received. (5)He looked sort of bored with the film and left the...
Find 5 different ways to say STARTING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.
Once we finished, kiddos created an “exhibit” to tell about their creation. They wrote 3 sentences to tell about what it was and how they made it. We set them all up around the room in a mini-museum and then did a gallery walk (after we talk about what they meant and how to fo...
23、ousehold bills Read the sentences from the passage and decide if they are facts(F)or opinions(O).51.Surely,if youre old enough to earn a wage and pay taxes,you should be allowed to have a say on how the government spends them!_2.I will be taking my driving test on the very...