Here's how far I went. In the fall of 2017 my husband and I lost our jobs. We had to tell our daughter, Casey, that we couldn't afford to send her back to school for her junior year at Fordham University. We decided the best choice for our family would be for Case...
It was my first day at school in London and I was halfexcited and halffrightened. On my way to school I wondered what sort of questions the other boys would ask me and rehearsed all the answers, “I am nine years old. I was born here but I haven't lived here since I was...
2. Which is the best course in your school? 3. Do you think English is quite important for a student? Why? 4. What is the biggest problem in learning English? 5. What do you do in your spare time? Let’s read the questions together. 1. Do you have a plan for a day? 2. ...
Taking part in school or community activities. Read the passage and share your understanding of the title. CLICK FOR A FRIEND? Choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage. 1 To prove that making friends was easier in the past. 2 To illustrate how it is better to make friends ...
Eachschoolhasitsownlibrary.每个学校都拥有它自己的图书馆。Everystudenthasanewbook.每个学生都有一本新书。Eachofthestudentshasanewbook.=Thestudentseachhaveanewbook.=Eachstudenthasanewbook.每个学生都有一本新书。敲黑板every只能作形容词,不可单独使用,其后不可接of。 辨析:each与everyeach指两者或两者以上中的...
英语·基础模块 1Reading学校的每日活动Daily activities at schoolmanage your activities! Do you know how to manage your time?Let’s read a passage and learn.Let’s read it loudly. First, you can read after me. Mr Liu is an English teacher in Lantian Vocatioanal School. Below is an email...
46. After starting high school, I felt stressed out and always relaxed by playing computer games. (英译汉) 47. Unfortunately, his application was turned down because he was too young and not qualified enough. (英译汉) 48. 现实并不总是与我们的期望相符。(correspond)(汉译英) 49. 玛丽已经...
5. I felt excited about mine / my junior high school life. (3 ) 6. ... 7. ... 8. ... 3. Work in pairs and exchange your sentences and circle the correct woirds. (3 ) Activity 3 Read the sentences in activity 2 aloud!
新外研必修一U3 课时1 Starting out & Vocabualry 教学教材:外研版高中英语新教材必修一教学内容:Unit3Familymatters第一课时:Startingout&Vocabulary 基于大观念的单元整体教学设计 大观念:理解家庭内涵及家庭事务;学会处理“家事”,构建家庭重要性。家庭事务 Familymatters Startingout:家庭的含义 理解家庭角色了解...
Each school has its own library. 每个学校都拥有它自己的图书馆。 Every student has a new book.每个学生都有一本新书。 Each of the students has a new book. = The students each have a new book. = Each student has a new book. 每个学生都有一本新书。