Use our guide to start your own LLC in Illinois, and get your business running.
For real estate investors, you’ll need to set up your LLC in the state where the property is located since that is where you’re legally doing business. How much does it cost to form an LLC? As of 2025, the average state filing fee to form an LLC is $132. The majority of the...
Learn how to start an LLC in any state. LLC University® offers free, step-by-step guides on how to form an LLC in all 50 states.
It is wise to start your LLC in a state where you live and will carry out your business. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri...
Despite the increasing trend of Shopify Store worldwide, many people ask “Should I start a Shopify Store?“. This reluctance is due to the fear of any potential loss in the strange world of the internet. Well, starting your Shopify Store as an LLC makes all your fears go away. Now, ...
You might even find something that points you in a completely different direction. Nation's Largest Franchise Directory Other Useful Articles for Startup Entrepreneurs These additional resources regarding starting a business may be of interest to you. Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business LLC ...
The article reports on the back-seat payment card-acceptance terminals installed by Taxi Medallion Management LLC in its vehicles in Chicago, Illinois. According to the company's chairman Mike Levine, the back-seat terminals are better than the system used in New York as transaction authorizations...
Illinois: Aqua Tower Radomir Renzy // Shutterstock Illinois: Aqua Tower A recent addition to the Chicago skyline, the Aqua skyscraper is notable for wave-like balconies meant to offer views of the city's landmarks around corners and through the gaps between existing buildings. Completed in 2009...
Illinois: Aqua Tower Radomir Renzy // Shutterstock Illinois: Aqua Tower A recent addition to the Chicago skyline, the Aqua skyscraper is notable for wave-like balconies meant to offer views of the city's landmarks around corners and through the gaps between existing buildings. Completed in 2009...
Nonprofits can actually operate nationwide even if they are incorporated in a certain state. However, if you decide to expand your operations outside your state, it would be beneficial to check that state’s policy. For example, in some states like California and Illinois, it can be a ...