If you need more speed than 8-bit MCUs like Atmel AVR can deliver, yet a device running Linux operating system like Raspberry Pi would be an overkill, the STM32F4 and STM32F37 series 32-bit MCUs might be an option. ST Microelectronics conveniently provides theSTM32F4 discovery kitat a h...
10.Digits of Pi 11.Multiplication Times Table 12.Country Trivia Logic Puzzle 13.Pandemic Logic Puzzle 14.True or False Logic Quiz 15.Carmen Sandiego Logic Quest 16.A Halloween Murder Mystery 17.1-100 18.1-50 in 60 19.1-20 Clickable Mines 20.Clickable Concentration 21.Clickable...
Usually, it's a much longer string of mixed uppercase/lowercase/digits. Unfortunately, searching on these errors haven't given me anything useful. Reply N nlspace Well-known member Joined Jun 6, 2017 Messages 1,347 Feb 8, 2021 #2 What's the outside temperature there in your area?
COLLEGE PARK, Md. — An analysis of changes to the climate that occur over several decades suggests that these changes are happening faster than historical levels and are starting to speed up. The Earth is now entering a period of changing climate that will likely ...