You can also use nutrient rich amendments like compost tea, liquid kelp, or fish emulsion. Follow package instructions when adding fertilizer or amendments to the water. Do NOT add fertilizer before the seeds germinate. The salts in fertilizer can prevent newly germinated seeds from growing roots ...
Direct sow watermelons in the home garden in spring after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed to 70°F (21°C). In warm-winter regions, sow watermelons in midwinter for harvest in early summer. Watermelon seeds will not germinate at a soil temperature below 65°F (18...
gardened in the front yard. Our new house is in downtown Sun Prairie, WI, walking distance to parks and schools. I hope to create an inviting space to share with neighbors and wildlife. Even in winter we have already seen a red fox, rabbits, great horned owls, and many types of ...
If you planing on moving them indoors for the winter in pots, you can put them in 5 gallon buckets to start with. Use heavy duty plastic buckets and drill a few dozen 3/8 to 1/2 inch holes in the bottom and all around the sides near the bottom. Plant your bucket level with the ...
(leaving a couple of inches of stalk so I can see where each plant was growing) and adding a heavy layer of compost will keep most of the hollyhocks growing and flowering for several more years. I don’t cut the stalks until I have harvested the seed heads, and I leave the seed ...
If your fridge settings are too high, you could be wasting your hard-earned money by making your fridge work harder than it needs too. Seasons affect fridge settings, too. In the winter, your fridge doesn’t need to be set so high. The same holds true for your room’s thermostat setti...
Seed starting allows me to put my green thumb to work in winter and get a jump start on the growing season. My favorite months of the year are April and October, as the seasons are changing, but since I’ve become a seed starter, February has become my third favorite month. I’m no...
Sprouting seeds using a Bio Dome in the past has always worked really well for me. Other methods have also worked, but this last winter I had armadillo bugs in my soil, most likely they were in the compost which doesn’t get hot enough to kill them. The bugs ate my seedlings. It wa...
hi i plan to introduce a new business set up in china which is to engage a pig farm then utilize the pig manure to produce compost, then use compost to supplement a tree nursery, then use the tree seedling from the nursery to produce tree farm. then will harvest the trees for sell ...
You can germinate all the way in baggies, or you can just put the seeds in a baggy with some damp potting mix, and transfer the seeds/mix to the top of pots/cellpacks at the end of the cold stage. Karen Haberer Mar 09, 2009 Rob, I came across your method winter of 2007. I've...