Calla Edwards, Horticulture Agent, K-State Research and Extension/Butler County With fall comes many outdoor activities such as cleaning the garden, raking up excess leaves, and… PreviousPostA frosty morning NextPostHomeless People are Citizens Too ...
The best way to stir your compost depends on the method you are using. Compost tumblers are popular because they can be stirred by turning a crank. Other designs use three bins, and new materials are added to only one bin. In this case, a pitchfork works well. ...
A worm farm is ideal for people who close to want to recycle food scraps but have no time at all or space to set up and look after a bigcompostbin. This is the reason why worm farming is also perfect for people who live in apartments or relatively small houses and who loves plants....
To improve your bed for transplanting, remove all weed growth, loosen the soil with a broad fork, garden fork, or tiller, and add a few inches of finished compost. Step Four: Transplant Your Onions Transplant your onions early. Onion seedlings are hardy to about 20 degrees F. Set them ou...
And on Tuesday, Leiper also said he’s worried that Renewi’s equipment won’t filter all the plastic out of the compost, and that bits of the bags will end up in the composted feed stock. “I don’t think that we’re going to be able to get all the plastic out of the feed ...
To start the seeds, I undo the last two folds of the filter paper, and spritz both sides with tap water using a general-purpose spray bottle. The goal is to get the paper evenly moist but not sopping wet. When I go overboard and saturate the filter, I simply lay it flat on the ...
"We started a worm bin a couple of months ago - can the worm castings be used instead of the compost?"Kat on Friday 25 January 2019 "Worm castings (also known as vermicasts) are much higher in nutrients that compost, so aren't a perfect substitute for general compost. Worm castings wo...
Many seedlings need potting on into larger containers at least once before it’s time to plant them out. Most will be happy potted on into the same seed starting mix but hungrier seedlings like cauliflowers or tomatoes will appreciate something a little richer. Adding some worm compost to the...