When you start your own business, knowing the income tax implications of your decisions can save you money and headaches. Learn about paying estimated income taxes, keeping track of expenses and how to take a tax deduction when you use your car for busin
Check out our tips on how those over 50 years old can start a business here. Top Reasons to Start a Business After Retirement Boost your income Some retirees don’t have adequate savings, pension payments, or Social Security benefits for living expenses. They need to boost their income to ...
Starting a Business after a LayoffShareGetting laid off is a worst-case scenario for many people in the current economy, but it doesn’t have to be. For some, it paves the way to a new life–as an entrepreneur.In “How to Start a Business: First, Get Fired,” our latest story ...
Passage 1 Starting a business is exciting...and frightening. To add the excitement and ease the fear, you should get prepared from the beginning.Set both your short-term and long-term goals. After you have created your goals, make sure you have a plan for your business that will...
A business needs to inform HMRC within three months of starting business. However, you are personally liable for any debts that your business runs up and this structure will probably not be the most tax-efficient one for businesses with a turnover of over £50,000. Partnership In a ...
After my father passed, and I gave up my alimony (don’t even ask), things didn’t go so well. It was also the middle of the housing crash. Faced with losing my home, I had to figure out a way to make a living again. I didn’t feel competent enough to go back to nursing –...
In the ever-evolving business landscape, becoming a good leader is paramount for young entrepreneurs. Firstly, effective communication is the cornerstone of leadership. Leaders should articulate their vision clearly and listen actively to their team, fostering an environment of open dialogue. Secondly, ...
Unless youve first established residency by living or working in your country of choice, nabbing a long-term visa can be easier said than done. ;Cory Kidd, founder and CEO of Intuitive Automata, knows this firsthand. Although getting his initial employment visa after setting up his companys ...
By now it should be clear that starting a travel agency requires a strategic approach and lots of planning. But don’t worry if it feels overwhelming. At Bplans, we have a full library of business planning resources to help you get started. You can browse through our free collection ofover...
The problem with that approach is that it leads to procrastination. No one ever really has all the pieces in place — even after they’ve started their business. Yes, you need toresearch the market, have a rudimentary plan in place, and do things like get atax ID numberif needed, regist...