Take your startup global or bring your company to Canada. Our Startup Visa program creates an impact that reverberates around the world.
The Canada Start-Up Visa Program presents an exceptional opportunity for Indian entrepreneurs to launch and grow their innovative businesses in Canada's thriving tech ecosystem. By leveraging Canada's supportive environment, access to funding, and global market reach, Indian entrepreneurs can achieve the...
The Start-Up Visa was designed to attract innovative foreign entrepreneurs who would contribute to the new and innovation needs of the Canadian economy and facilitate entry of innovative entrepreneurs who would actively pursue business ventures in Canada. 该计划提出的依据是《移民与难民维护法》第14.1节...
如果你的创业想法能够得到加拿大“天使投资者”Angel Investor Group或指定加国风险资产基金投资或孵化基地三家机构至少一家机构的认可,申请人就可以申请加拿大联邦创业移民Start Up Visa项目。其中“天使投资者”最低投资金额为7.5万加币,在风险资产基金方面的最低投资额要求是20万加币,而如果申请人被孵化基地接受,则无...
Immigrate with confidence through Canada's Start-Up Visa Programwith Yalla Canada. We provide the expertise to help you establishyour business and life in Canada.
面试围绕个人和项目展开,还有就是why Canada,加拿大怎么样能够帮助你的公司成长。虽然之前没咋准备,但基本上的问题还是想的比较清楚的,聊的也比较愉快。过程中我也提了几个问题,包括像听说温哥华老年人居多,更适合居住,不大适合创业,创业氛围不浓这些的,然后虽然他们其实有解释,但其实并没有说服我,只不过适合居住,...
1. What Is Canada’s Start-Up Visa Program? Canada’s Start-Up Visa Program offers permanent residence to qualified immigrant entrepreneurs. 2. How long does it take for an intending immigrant entrepreneur to go through the process? If an entrepreneur has a viable start up business project, ...
Biomedical Commercialization Canada Inc.(作为曼尼托巴技术加速器运营) 创意破坏实验室 赋能创业有限公司 极致创新 创世纪中心 Highline BETA Inc. 创新公司 创新集群——彼得伯勒和卡瓦萨斯 Interactive Niagara Media Cluster o/a Innovate Niagara 投资渥太华
SUV全称:加拿大联邦创业投资移民(Canada Start-up Visa Program) 2013年4月1日,启动试点 2018年3月31日,正式成为永久移民项目 2018年4月17日,移民局邀请孵化器MTA为指定机构 项目核心 获得联邦移民局指定机构的支持信(LOS),可以办理工签和移民。指定机构包括:天使基金、风险投资、孵化器。其中孵化器的优势最明显,...
Your entrepreneurial journey with StartupVisa.com startupvisa.com is a new platform whose focus is to provide resources for bettering the start-up industry. Our goal is to help entrepreneurs around the world find the best-suited place for them, their bus