powershellCopy Code Start-Process "myprogram.exe"-Verb RunAs 8. 启动特定文件类型的默认应用程序 打开指定文件类型的默认应用程序: powershellCopy Code Start-Process "C:\Path\To\mydocument.docx" 9. 启动带有环境变量的程序 启动程序时设置环境变量: powershellCopy Code $env:MYVAR="Hello"Start-Process"...
$startExe = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo -Args powershell.exe $startExe.verbs open runas runasuser此範例會使用 New-Object為 建立 System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo 物件,該物件 powershell.exe是在PowerShell 進程中執行的檔案。 ProcessStartInfo 物件的 Verbs 屬性會顯示您可...
"Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running" when calling a script with Import-module AD "Unable to process the request due to an internal error" After AD Upgrade "WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this...
net' 'Windows' does not exist in the namespace 'System'... "_" underscore keyword in asynchronous "A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process" "A workgroup installation computer does not support the installation" "Central European Standard Time" Daylight save time changes....
Describe"Start-Process -Verb RunAs bug"{ BeforeAll {#Create a temp. batch file that simply echoes the arguments it receives.'@echo %*'|Set-Content$env:TEMP\$PID.cmd#Arguments to pass to the batch file via Start-Process - note the inclusion of a double-quoted token.$batchFileArgs='foo...
For 参数 : 指定PowerShell可以在远程计算机上运行命令。...Start-Process 命令 - 启动在本地计算机或远程计算机未运行进程 Stop-Process 命令 - 停止在本地计算机或远程计算机上运行的进程 Wait-Process 命令 - 使在本地计算机或远程计算机上运行的进程等待...Start-Process -FilePath "...
$remoteComputer = "远程计算机名称" $credential = Get-Credential Invoke-Command -ComputerName $remoteComputer -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock { Start-Process -FilePath "可执行文件路径" -Verb RunAs } 在上述示例中,我们首先指定了要连接的远程计算机的名称,并使用Get-Credential命令获取凭据,以便在...
C:\PS>start-process powershell -verb runAs Description --- This command starts Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option. Example 6 Copy C:\PS>$startExe = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo -args PowerShell.exe C:\PS> $startExe.verbs open runas # Starts a Pow...
“runas” verb to the same thing. 复制 If you have a .NET Service configured with the LocalSystem account, the “runas” verb doesn’t work and 复制 you’ll encounter an exception and a failure of “access denied”. 复制 Unhandled Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32E...
Environment Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0 Windows Terminal (Preview) Version: 0.8.10261.0 Steps to reproduce Open Powershell in the Windows Terminal: run Start-Process cmd -verb RunAs -WorkingDirectory ./ to create a custom command p...