chmod +x /etc/init-wsl 3. OpenTask SchedulerinWindows 10 On the left, click "Task Scheduler Library" option and then on the right, click "Create Task" to create a new task. InGeneralTab, Enter Name: "WSL Startup", Description and Select "Run whether user is logged on or not" & ...
Startup Error: Wsl/Service/CreateInstance/CreateVm/ConfigureGpu/HCS/0x800701b1#12556 New issue ClosedDescription warpdesign opened on Feb 5, 2025 Windows Version Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.26100.2454] WSL Version Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2? WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version 5.15....
WSL is on version 2 PS C:\Users\feldm> wsl --status Default Distribution: Ubuntu Default Version: 2 Windows Subsystem for Linux was last updated on 2022-09-18 WSL automatic updates are on. Kernel version: Hypervisor is launch type is set toauto ...
The AdoptOpenJDK builds of OpenJ9+OpenJDK fails to start on WSL, they just hang during startup. IBM JVM 8 SR5 also fails to start. For comparison, IBM 8 SR4 FP11 starts up fine, as does Oracle 9 and Zulu 9, see -version output below (all Linux x86_64 binaries): $ jvm/ibm8sr4...
For whatever reason the “Start Window” no longer pops up when I start VS2022. I went in to Tools>Options -> Environment>General scrolled down to “On startup open” and selected “Start window” but it never works. I have also set it to “Most recent solution” which ...
Accepts:"Windows.Terminal.Wsl","Windows.Terminal.Azure","Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore", and/or"Windows.Terminal.SSH"inside an array Default value:[] Startup actions This sets the list of actions to execute on startup, allowing the terminal to launch with a custom set of tabs and panes ...
1) hibernation on and Windows fast startup on2) hibernation off and Windows fast startup off3) hibernation on and Windows fast startup offOpen administrative command prompt and type or copy and paste:Powercfg -h off(this turns hibernation and windows fast startup of)...
Akzeptiert:"Windows.Terminal.Wsl","Windows.Terminal.Azure","Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore", und/oder"Windows.Terminal.SSH"innerhalb eines Arrays Standardwert:[] Startaktionen Dadurch wird die Liste der Aktionen festgelegt, die beim Start ausgeführt werden sollen, sodass das Terminal standardm...
To change the File Explorer default page on Windows 11, open the“See more”menu, choose“Options,”select the“This PC”option, click“Apply,”and click“OK.” UPDATED 11/22/24:OnWindows 11, you can change the “Folder Options” settings on File Explorer to open the “This PC” page...
I’m writing a PowerShell script to start a container and stop WSL safely when the container stops. Here is my attempt:$ContainerName =...