424 p. Biomedical Signal and Image Processing with Artificial Intelligence 527 p. Daygame Infinite - Nick Krauser 353 p. Your Guide to Cellular Health - Dr. Mercola 221 p. Discrete mathematics - Chetwynd 257 p. Vector Calculus (Bill Cox) 关于...
今天听完了《start with why》这本书,作者用Apple、the Wright brothers、Martin Luther King等作为例子,来引出他所提出的The Golden Circle 这个概念。 大部分的普通人、公司,都是由外入内,由最明确的,到最含糊的:What -> How -> Why,而历史上最著名的伟人、公司,... 评分☆☆☆ * 整本书翻来覆去...
starts with WHY. Starting with WHY works in big business and small business, in the nonprofit world and in politics. Those who start with WHY never manipulate, they inspire. And people follow them not because they have to; they follow because they want to. Introduction: Why Start with Why...
Simon Sinek Start With Why How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action 星级: 439 页 Simon Sinek Start With Why How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action1 星级: 439 页 Start With Why How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action Simon Sinek 星级: 421 页 The Infinite ...
start with why Start With Why - Manipulation vs. Inspiration By Simon Sinek A simple claim of better, even with the rational evidence to back it up, can create desire and even motivate a decision to buy, but it doesn't create loyalty. If a customer feels inspired to buy a product, ...
Start With Why - Repeat Business and Loyalty By Simon Sinek There is a big difference between repeat business and loyalty. Repeat business is when people do business with you over and over and over again. Loyalty is when people are willing to turn down a better product at a better price ...
Susan启蒙英语课程,本课程大小5.35GB,包含MP4/PDF/MP3/FLV视频、音频、课件共331个文件,VIP会员可通过百度网盘转存下载。此“【Susan启蒙英语系列】Start With Susan开口神器-让孩子开口学英语 ”课程由学霸智库收集整理。 课程目录(资源合计5.35GB): 01 Start With Susan ...
“why” – the purpose, cause, or belief that drives your business – you can create a brand message that goes beyond what you do and how you do it. Your “why” becomes the foundation of your brand ideal, guiding your content creation and helping you build a deeper connection with ...
@Html.DropDownList help class, "Selected = true" does not work, why? @Html.DropDownList with additional attributes @Html.DropDownListFor - How to set width for this, not control width, set width of the panel where it shows the options in the dropdown. @Html.DropDownListFor not selecting th...