GitHub Repo Documentation Snapshot Testing with React Storybook Making a Progressive Web App You can turn your React app into a Progressive Web App by following the steps in this repository. Deployment npm run build creates a build directory with a production build of your app. Set up your fav...
Main original on github (to which I can't push). 2. My fork on github which I want to discard. 3. My local version which I like to get into my github repo. What do I have to do to push my local version up to github, simply replacing everything that was ...
Awesome GitHub Repo 会收集整理 GitHub 上高质量、有趣的开源项目,并将他们进行归类。值得注意的是,不是简单的按照编程语言来分类,而是按照更有趣的分类方式,比如:有趣项目、沙雕项目、实战项目、学习项目、实用工具等等。同时欢迎通过 Pull Request 或者 issues 给我们推荐优秀好玩的开源项目。 说明 表示该项目对应...
It's good to start with Business Application Studio as IDE as it has a lot of features and tools already on board preinstalled. You can select the different tools on your own within a space setup. Create your dev space with Fiori capabilities and give it a name before you click "Create ...
We have found out that this issue is tracked over here: Because azure doesn't let to downgrade the cluster back to the 1.21 could you please help us fixing the nginx-ingress-controller deployment? Could you please be specific with what shoul...
GitHub is growing and attracting developers quickly, with well over $1M in annual revenue.Tom Preston Werner GitHub Tom Preston-Werner is the cofounder of GitHub, a site that enables developers to collaborate on code.Full Interview Transcript Andrew: Before we’ve get started, tell me if...
git clone git:// ~/.oh-my-zsh #上传到repo仓库 cd /root && curl -o /root/zsh.tar.gz && tar -zxvf zsh.tar.gz 配置~/.zshrc # If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH. # export PATH=$HOME...
After upgrading to 10.5.x, both thegitlab-ceandgitlab-eecontainers fail to start withstat: missing operand. The same error appears on10.5.0,10.5.1, and10.5.2. Steps to reproduce I am running Gitlab in Kubernetes using this spec:
- name: Deploy Database uses: azure/sql-action@v1.3 with: connection-string: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING }} project-file: './database/declarative-deploy/todo_v5/todo_v5.sqlproj' build-arguments: '-c Release' The file ./.github/workflow/azure-...
createuser[deployment_user]withpassword='<a_strong_password>'; goalterrole[db_owner]addmember[deployment_user]go Imperative Deployment Database is deployed usingDbUp. The scripts that will be deployed are in the./imperative-deploy/sqlfolder. Once you have configured ...