官网地址:https://www.wampserver.com/en/ (opens new window) # 安装完成 右下角出现“W”标记 # 下载源码 https://modstart.com/download (opens new window) # 解压源码到wamp/www # 选择PHP版本为7.0.x # 创建数据库 新建modstart数据库 # 修改根目录 wamp\scripts\config.inc.php修改$wwwDir = $...
WebDriver driver =newFirefoxDriver(caps); driver.get("http://localhost/"); assertThat( driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText(), containsString("WampServer")); driver.quit(); bmp.stop(); } 开发者ID:barancev,项目名称:selen-confetqa-2013,代码行数:20,代码来源:Sample1_StartWithProx...
2.3 创建站点 tecmzdemo.com 修改hosts并增加本地域名解析localhost 打开hosts文件 在结尾新增一行解析127.0.0.1 localhost并保存退出 配置伪静态(参考bbs.tecmz.com) 本地服务器配置重新启动 等待系统重启成功 3 使用魔众系统安装引导进行安装 3.1 进入安装引导程序 等待服务器重启成功后,打开浏览器进入: h...
I have been using WampServer for a while, and it's been working flawlessly. Today, however, I just cannot get WampServer to start. I checked the Apache error_log and MySQL log, but there is not entry at all about the failed start. ...
I'm using Wampserver 3.2.0 with Apache 2.4.41 and, if I start the server with a VirtualHost on a Network drive such as this one Code: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName photos-famille DocumentRoot "//DS218/home/sites/photos-ottello"
You can download it from: https://www.apachefriends.org/ XAMPP installs together: Apache MariaDB PHP Perl Install WAMPP instead of XAMP (if you prefer WAMPP) Alternatively you can install WAMPP, which installs: Apache MySQL PHP PHPMyAdmin https://www.wampserver.com/en/ Development IDE As De...
Experiment run on WAMPserver, PHP version 5.2.6. Using FireFox 3.0. The definition found at http://www.php.net/manual/en/session.constants.php describes SID is a “pre-defined constant” containing either: 1). the session name and session ID in the form of "name=ID" . This is...
在结尾新增一行解析127.0.0.1 localhost并保存退出 配置伪静态(参考bbs.tecmz.com) 本地服务器配置重新启动 等待系统重启成功 3 使用魔众系统安装引导进行安装 3.1 进入安装引导程序 等待服务器重启成功后,打开浏览器进入: http://localhost/install.php/