VSCode Version: 1.42.1 Local OS Version: Windows 10 1909 Remote OS Version: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Remote Extension/Connection Type: WSL Steps to Reproduce: VSCode with WSL used to work perfectly as usual until today, each time I try to open it I get the below error: ...
/mnt/c/Users/Pedro/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-0.63.13/scripts/wslCode.sh: 69: /home/pedrodaniel10/.vscode-server-server/bin/5554b12acf27056905806867f251c859323ff7e9/bin/code: not found [Windows] Microsoft Windows Version 20H2 (OS Build 19042.1466) ...
yarn start是一个常用的命令行参数,用于启动前端项目的开发服务器。它通常用于基于Node.js的前端开发环境中,可以快速启动一个本地开发服务器,方便开发人员进行前端代码的调试和测试。 yarn start的命令行参数可以根据具体的项目需求进行配置,常见的参数包括:
Visual Studio Code stellt Tools für verschiedene Remoteentwicklungssetups bereit, z. B. die Verwendung eines Containers, eines Remotecomputers oder des Windows-Subsystems für Linux (WSL). In diesem Pfad erfahren Sie mehr über die verschiedenen Remoteentwicklungsan ...
at Immediate.<anonymous> (c:\Users\my_computer\.vscode\extensions\redhat.java-0.65.0\dist\extension.js:1:77112) at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21) What I have tried to fix it: Checked the JAVA_HOME of both the WSL 2 system I am using as well as the wind...
We've heard from many,manydevelopers, who've frequently requested aPTY-like mechanism in Windows - especially those who created and/or work onConEmu/Cmder,Console2/ConsoleZ, Hyper, VSCode, Visual Studio, WSL, Docker, and OpenSSH. Very cool! Until it's ready I'm going ...
To do this look for the ports tab at the top of your terminal in vscode. If the port visibilities of the available ports are already public skip this step. If they are private look for port 8000, right click on it, select Port Visibility and set it to public...
69aed6e1984f7499b7af85b3d05f9a6883a stable .vscode-server 0 ' in c:\Users\xxx\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-0.44.5} [2020-09-26 22:25:46.824] Setting up server environment: Looking for /root/.vscode-server/server-env-setup. Not found. [2020-09-26 22:25:46.824] ...
Starting inspector on failed: address already in use Error in the js-debug bootloader, please report to https://aka.ms/js-dbg-issue: Error [ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_ACTIVE]: Inspector is not active at Object.inspectorWaitForDebugger (node:inspector:188:11) at Ba (bootloader.bundle...
Important: Ensure you can run pwsh.exe from a PowerShell command. If this fails, you likely need to upgrade PowerShell. Instead of Powershell, you can also use Git Bash or WSL to run the Azure Developer CLI commands. This template uses gpt-35-turbo version 1106...