over time, bloat buildup becomes so bad that the software becomes slow and eventually unusable, which is the point when the users start moving on to other, newer software (and history then repeats itself). please think this through carefully! thanks 👍 2 Member john-preston commented Apr ...
This of course would need to be done on end user machines. In my case, I'm using Wix as the installer for my software and there'ssupport for NGEN-ingfiles at install time.
smallrye-context-propagation, spring-data-jpa, spring-di, vertx] .it takes long time to startup . i,e 16.3 sec when I override the connection pool setting as below in application.properties file, But when I remove the
When using Vivado or Vitis 2023.2 on Ubuntu 22.04.x and 20.04.x, it has been observed that the application launch time is slow.This is due to an issue in the Ubuntu Kernel and is seen in the following kernels: Ubuntu VersionKernel Version Ubuntu 20.04.x 5.4.0-144 Ubuntu 22.04.x 5.15...
Big Sur slow startup time Since upgrading to Big Sur the startup up my 2017 iMac has increased massively. It takes at least 4mins to get to a semi useable state, 20 secs of that is a black screen just before presenting the desktop, compared to about 90 secs previously. I've not ...
nothing wrong with the 4gb ddr2 ram and the core 2 proc, they are all pretty good to run windows 7) its ok, but if its not then I want to get some guidance on being able to understand that if for few minutes the laptop was slow, what software exactly was taking all this ...
Visual Studio is designed to start up as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, certain Visual Studio extensions and tool windows can adversely affect startup time when they're loaded. You can control the behavior of slow extensions and tool windows in thePerformance Managerdialog box. For...
Apple suggest to aim for a total app launch time of under 400ms and you must do it in less than 20 seconds or the system will kill your app. You control what your application delegate does but how do you debug slow startup times that happen before your code is even called? Here is...
nothing wrong with the 4gb ddr2 ram and the core 2 proc, they are all pretty good to run windows 7) its ok, but if its not then I want to get some guidance on being able to understand that if for few minutes the laptop was slow, what software exactly was taking all thi...
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