右键单击Windows并选择运行。 按Windows+S并键入运行来搜索它。 按Windows+R直接打开运行。 2、转到启动文件夹 请使用以下Shell命令或运行命令为当前登录的用户打开“启动”文件夹: 在文本框中键入shell:startup,然后单击OK。 键入:%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup,然后按回车。 键入:\users...
For the Windows 10 version of this topic, see Customize the Windows 10 Start layoutOEMs can customize the Windows 11 Start layout so that OEM-defined items (apps and/or websites) are pinned in certain areas of the Start menu.Start layout customizations, including the configuration of website...
You can't use Windows Configuration Designer or Unattend to configure the Windows 11 Start Menu.Start menu sectionsThe Start menu is comprised of three sections: Pinned, All apps, and Recommended. Your LayoutModification.json can include customizations for the Pinned and/or Recommended sections.Pinned...
1 电脑显示startup device menu是指启动设备菜单的意思,此界面共有七个选项,第一个是硬盘启动,第二个是光驱启动,第三个到第七个是电脑的USB启动,即U盘启动。如果要选择关闭要到BIOS中设置将设置成 Disabled。扩展资料:主板BIOS即基本输入输出系统,是电脑、笔记本等核心硬件。计算机用户在使用计算机的过程中,...
Is your Windows 11 start menu not working? It can be because process related to it are stuck or corrupt files. In this post, we will share how you can fix Windows 11 start button not working. Make sure to use an administrator account to fix the issue.
For the Windows 10 version of this topic, see Customize the Windows 10 Start layoutOEMs can customize the Windows 11 Start layout so that OEM-defined items (apps and/or websites) are pinned in certain areas of the Start menu.Start layout customizations are configured with LayoutMo...
Now, open the Startup folder using the shell:Startup command. Move the shortcut from the Desktop to the C:\Users\Your user name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder. Next time you sign in, Windows 11 will launch that app automatically. You are done. In ad...
当电脑开机显示"startup interrupt menu"时,通常表示电脑在启动过程中遇到了问题,可能是由未知硬件设备、异常软件操作或BIOS设置错误等原因引起的。以下是一些解决步骤:1. **重启电脑并尝试跳过菜单**:重启电脑时,快速按下ESC键或其他提示的按键,尝试跳过该菜单直接进入系统。这种方法适用于偶尔出现的...
方法1:C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 这是当前用户的启动文件夹路径。您可以按下 Win + R 组合键,打开运行窗口,输入此路径并回车,即可快速打开启动文件夹。 方法2:shell:startup 您也可以使用"shell:startup"命令打开启动文件夹。同样地,只需按下 Win + R...
From Windows 7 up to Windows 11 (32 and 64 bit) Freeware! One-click launch This is our own one-of-a-kind feature. Start Menu X replaces the yellow folder icons with application icons. Clicking on the folder launches the application. To access a submenu, hover the cursor over a folder...