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In India, many types of start-up business loan options are available today for business owners to provide business financing. However, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have limited access to formal credit. Therefore, the Government of India launched its flagship initiative- the Startu...
In India, startups are tax-exempt for the first three years. To avail of such benefits your Startups must be certified by the Inter-Ministerial Board (IMB). Those startups that the Government of India and DIPP recognise can get IPR benefits without taking any additional certificate from IM...
The scheme will be launched on the lines of Start-Up India initiative which was launched in January 2016 to help grow the start-up ecosystem in India. The scheme will be integrated withMUDRA Bank Loan Yojana, innovative credit linkages and self-help groups. Swaniyojan Yojana will be funded ...
IndianStartupNews is an Indian media and information platform, known for its end-to-end coverage of the Indian startup ecosystem.
Business Loans at Recur Club — Startup and SMEs Loan solutions near you with digital Recur Club Business Loan Process. Know all details now. Low Rates, High Approval - Learn About Recur Club Business Loan Interest Rate and collateral. Get collateral-fre
“Many platforms only care about the service during and after the loan, no one had paid attention to pre-lending services,” Lin said. CashCash has a team of people to perform a full beta testing before the product goes live. This is to ensure that the loan process is smooth and reliab...
Source:Gujarat ( Given the introduction of progressive policies/ schemes by Gujarat and the GoG’s pro-business approach, the state is well placed to provide platform for Indian start-ups to incubate and expand nationally and internationally. ...
start-up [ˈstɑːtʌp]ADJ[costs, loan] →depuestaen marcha Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
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