Today, we will see how to manage services in Windows 10. We will see in detail how to start, stop or restart a service. It can be any service installed in the OS which runs in the background. Here are the steps. Advertisеment Windows services are a special apps which run in the ...
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController service = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController("ServiceName"); service.Start(); Here is the rference..
StopServices DeleteServices 以下任一操作: InstallFiles RemoveFiles DuplicateFiles MoveFiles PatchFiles RemoveDuplicateFiles InstallServices StartServices ActionData 消息 字段操作数据说明 [1]服务显示名称。 [2]服务名称。 备注 此操作要求用户是管理员或具有控制服务的提升的权限,或者应用程序是托管安装的一部分。
Start/Stop Service Article 11/01/2024 The Start/Stop Service activity will start, stop, pause, or restart a Windows service. The Start/Stop Service activity can be used to restart a service that has stopped responding or shut down a service in preparation for a backup. This activity uses ...
如何远程Stop/Start远程机子上的服务? 在gfsoso上搜出别人总结的经验: 远程控制可以有以下几种方式: WMIQueries via classes in theSystem.Managementnamespace, ...
Access denied when start and stop services running under Local Service account using ServiceController Access denied when writing to a file in a Windows Service Access folder path from web config file Access is denied problems with exe file for visual studio 2015 project Access Linux share path fro...
By default, only members of the local administrator group can start, stop, pause, resume, or restart a service. To grant non-administrators the ability to manage services, seeHow to grant users rights to manage services. (The process is similar on other versions of Windows Server.) ...
Stop and start the asynchronous service 项目 2024/12/13 5 个参与者 反馈 For Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) (including IFD) deployments, the asynchronous service can be stopped and restarted by using the Services administrative tool. The service should be stopped before...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Data Services Dear experts, I am trying to understand how to stop and start BODS services on Windows. Currently, when the OS starts, the services SIA, TOMCAT and DATA SERVICES start automatically but at the moment of restart or shutdown the server for any maintenance...
· Start a windows Service · Stop a windows Service · Do any of this actions in several services using Wildcards expressions · Do any of this actions in 1 to n Servers. Within the code you can have a look at the usage section to learn how to use it. ...