上网查找资料发现可能也是虚拟机上的ssh程序没有下载,(一般安装虚拟机的时候这个都是带的)。 你需要执行下边两个命令: #安装ssh程序 apt-getinstall openssh-server ¥k开启ssh服务 service sshd start 然后再用ssh软件尝试连接就可以连接成功了。
systemctl disable ssh.service #关闭由systemctl控制的ssh启动 rm /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service #删除ssh的服务配置文件 systemctl daemon-reload #重载systemctl服务 下载openssh的源码包,解压,进入源码包的contrib目录,我的是openssh-7.7p1/contrib/redhat 目录文件列表 sshd.init就是源码包自带的ssh服务脚本了...
sudo service ssh --full-restart * Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [ OK ] * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [fail] sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting. 解决: sudo ssh-keygen -A ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519 $ sudo service ssh --...
ubuntu 桌面版, ssh 连接时使用,x转发进行使用 gnome-terminal 时出现:Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Terminal: Timeout was reached 错误 当我按照这种情景使用时,出现了这种情况: 考虑着 gnome 桌面正在运行,可能是gnome-terminal 使用了工厂模式进行创建;查找gnome-terminal 文档,有如下解决方案: ...
ubuntu 桌面版, ssh 连接时使用,x转发进行使用 gnome-terminal 时出现:Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Term 当我按照这种情景使用时,出现了这种情况: 考虑着 gnome 桌面正在运行,可能是gnome-terminal 使用了工厂模式进行创建;查找gnome-terminal 文档,有如下解决方案:...
1.错误提示 2.查看配置文件 cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 发现这个错误非常愚蠢,改配置文件的时候加了个多余的成分,导致启动失败,删掉就好了,看来还需...
You can also automatically open the playground in a browser with:labctl playground start k3s --open...or SSH into the playground's machine with:labctl playground start ubuntu --sshSSH into a playgroundOnce you have started a playground, you can access it with:labctl ssh <playground-id>...
So, it turns out github have remove support for some older crypto standards on SSH, and this has broken r10k deploys for us with the error message: failed to start SSH session: Unable to exchange encryption keys Ruby Gem versions: [root@...
/conf/zoo.cfg Mode: follower 接着使用命令:start-all.sh 启动hadoop所有进程,并顺便jps看看进程启动情况,如下: xiaoye@ubuntu:~ .../hadoop/sbin/start-all.sh This script is Deprecated.../had...
If you're unable to access the VM using the Azure Serial Console, then the repair must be done in offline mode, as the VM isn't booting.Use steps 1-3 of the VM Repair Commands to prepare a Repair VM. Using SSH, connect to the Repair VM. Once connected to the repai...