我可以在CMD中运行startup.bat并且没有错误,但是当我检查C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 11.0\logs中的service-install.log时,它显示“无法安装服务。”。当我在 Chrome 浏览器中输入“localhost:8080”时,它显示错误消息“无法访问此站点”。本地主机拒绝连接。'。我已经检查了 JAVA_HOME 和 ...
To disable a service: sc config servicename start= disabled To enable a service: sc config servicename start= demand To make a service start automatically with system boot: sc config servicename start= auto Note: Space is mandatory after ‘=’ in the above sc commands. ThisSCcommand works ...
建議的版本 關閉警示 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 /start-Server 發行項 2016/08/31 本文內容 Syntax Parameters Examples Additional references Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Wi...
If the fileName parameter represents an executable file, the arguments parameter might represent a file to act upon, such as the text file in Notepad.exe myfile.txt. If the fileName parameter represents a command (.cmd) file, the arguments parameter must include either a "/c" or "/k" ...
.cmd Edit, Open, Print, RunAs, RunAsUser .exe Open, RunAs, RunAsUser .txt Open, Print, PrintTo .wav Open, Play To find the verbs that can be used with the file that runs in a process, use the New-Object cmdlet to create a System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo object for the file. The...
Of course I start CMD with "Run as Administrator" privilege. The same error is from Services or Task manager. Member oleg-nenashev commented Apr 21, 2017 Hm, maybe there are some restrictions for service management in your Windows (e.g. Domain policy). Just to make sure, are you able...
ToStop and Disablea Service, type the command below into the CMD prompt console and hit Enter: sc stop "ServiceName" && sc config "ServiceName" start=disabled Exit Command Prompt when done. That’s it! You must be signed in as an administrator to start, stop, or restart service. ...
Windows could not start the IPsec Policy Agent service on Local Computer. Error 1068:The dependency service or group failed to start. Windows could not start the Network Location Awareness on Local Computer. “net start mpssvc” in cmd.exe returns the system error 1297. ...
Add-CMReportingServicePoint Add-CMScriptDeploymentType Add-CMSecurityRoleToAdministrativeUser Add-CMSecurityScopeToAdministrativeUser Add-CMServiceConnectionPoint Add-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint Add-CMSoftwareUpdateToGroup Add-CMStateMigrationPoint Add-CMTaskSequenceDeploymentType Add-CMTaskSequenceStep Add-CMUserAffinit...
Windows的CMD的NET命令net start , net stop …微软官方文档—Net Commands On Operating Systems在Windows安装MySQL时 可以用 net start mysql 启动MySQL服务 可以用 net stop mysql 停止MySQL服务于是想想了解一下 net 命令对比Linux的启动停止MySQL服务 Windows Linux启动MySQL服务 net start mysql systemctl start ...