要使用Chrome浏览器运行React脚本,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 确保已经安装了Chrome浏览器。如果没有安装,可以从官方网站(https://www.google.com/chrom...
可能是因为我的webpack,webpack-cli,webpack-dev-server版本不匹配导致的。 我用的版本: "webpack": "^5.10.0", "webpack-cli": "^3.3.12", "webpack-dev-server": "^3.11.2", 建议的版本: "webpack": "^4.44.1", "webpack-cli": "^3.3.12", "webpack-dev-server": "^3.11.0"...
在通过create-react-app创建好react项目之后,npm start一直报错,如下: There might be a problem with the project dependency tree. It is likelynota bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally. Thereact-scriptspackage provided by Create React App requires a dependency: "babel-jes...
Failed at the UpScore@0.6.0start script'react-scripts start'.npmERR!Make sure you have the latest versionofnode.js and npm installed.npmERR!If youdo,thisis most likely a problemwiththe UpScorepackage,npmERR!notwithnpm itself.npmERR!Tell the author thatthisfails on your system:npmERR!react...
console.log('Unknown script "' + script + '".'); console.log('Perhaps you need to update react-scripts?'); console.log('See: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/updating-to-new-releases'); } 如上,见标注红色字体的部分,关键是spawn.sync这句,,其实就是执行一个js文件, ...
React实战--打造画廊应用(下) 在用yeoman最初构建项目,完成后需要启动项目。 运行npm start时,出现了错误: > @0.0.1start E:\workspace\loveGallery-by-react > node server.js--env=devmodule.js:471throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'core-js/fn/object/assign'atFunction.Module._resolveFilename...
running pm2 with npm script "react-scripts start"#774 Closed gaearonadded theissue: proposallabelNov 23, 2016 Author The goal is to start the process in a way that, if the terminal connection gets interrupted, the process doesn't die. This is called "daemonification". Usually, tools will ...
npm ERR! my-app@0.1.0 start: react-scripts start npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the my-app@0.1.0 start script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be fo...
I use the react-scripts@3.4.1 and it works for me. Many a times npx create-react-app project-name does not work for me on Windows OS. So I have created a repository react-typescript-empty-project, which I clone and build app on top of it Thanks for this. I applied what you sugg...
建议同时打开 create-react-app 源码 (github链接),对照着阅读本文。 由于代码较多,手机阅读体验较差,建议先点赞、收藏,然后使用电脑阅读。 开始解析 start.js start.js 的 第二、三行是 (源码链接) process.env.BABEL_ENV = 'development'; process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development'; ...