在本文中,我们将分享一些从 Start-up 到 Scale-up 成长之路的经验和策略。 1. 创造创新价值:找到真正需要的产品或服务 一个成功的创业公司的关键在于提供顾客真正需要的产品或服务。创业公司在初创阶段需要找到鲜明的产品优势,清晰的市场需求、身份与定位。确保该产品或服务具有吸引消费者的价值、区分度以及可持续...
The Lean Startup by:天禄琳琅Michael 2.6万 Surviving a Startup by:AK创客 1.2万 The Lean Startup by:fluxaymlovey 9.10亿 创业内幕 Startup Insider by:纪源小馆 33 TM Beats: The Startup-DJ ET by:嘻哈有态度 4.9万 Startup in China - stories, insights and stuff ...
声音简介 本书的作者是畅销书《幸福领导力》和《管理3.0 培养和提升敏捷领导力》的作者尤尔根~阿波罗。从长远来看,大部分业务模型的生命周期中,基本上都遵循“启动、扩张、上岸”这样的三部曲。书中收集了一些鲜活的实际例子,展现了新一代企业家和内部创业者在面对挑战时所采用的精益敏捷原则与实践。通过对全球化...
Scaling up a company from a startup is exciting but presents numerous challenges. Baris Tezcan, Head of Citi Commercial Bank in Central Europe, talks to two business leaders about achieving goals.
Some startups get off the ground without the right systems, people, or mindset in place. Trying to grow such businesses is like trying to inflate a tractor tire with a bicycle pump. Here’s how you can prepare your startup to scale up. FEATURED VIDEO This Health Food Founder Would ...
How do DNBs move from start-up to scale-up, and how do their technology requirements change during this process. How do DNBs prefer to work with tech vendors, and how can tech vendors help them deliver growth? Who are the preferred partners and vendors that DNBs work with, and how do...
This chapter looks at a new but related problem: start-up scale-up. There is an additional and compounding innovation gap problem affecting start-ups that need to manufacture their products. While the advanced manufacturing institute model detailed in the previous chapter addresses innovation at large...
Learn to Leap When start-ups scale up: Lessons on building up culture and talent July 10, 2020 | Interview Financial-services company Raisin began in a basement in 2012. By constantly reflecting on and evaluating its own performance, Raisin has been able to consisten...
Getting to grips with some of these can transform your business, automating predictable or repeat tasks, lowering the admin burden and freeing up time that will for sure be needed elsewhere. This is crucial tomaintaining quality(of service and product) as you scale. ...
In this episode of the McKinsey Podcast, we sit down with Box CEO Aaron Levie and discuss the best ways to start up and scale up new technology. Listen now.