2.restart kill-HUP PID #主进程号或进程号文件路径 #或者使用 cd/usr/local/nginx/sbin ./nginx -s reload 3.shutdown #查询nginx PIDps-ef |grepnginxkill-QUIT PID #从容停止kill-TERM PID #快速停止kill-9PID #强制停止 #若nginx.conf配置了pid文件路径,如果没有,则在logs目录下kill-信号类型'/usr/...
mkdir -p /home/redis/myredis 命令 是不存在就直接创建/home/redis/myredis 文件夹 myredis.conf 是我手动上传的。 (文件在文末,redis.conf的标准文件在redis官网也可以找到) 四、启动redis 容器 密码默认为 123456 docker run --restart=always --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=2 -p 637...
2、开启shutdown endpoint Spring Boot Actuator的shutdown endpoint默认是关闭的,因此在application.properties中开启shutdown endpoint: #启用shutdown endpoints.shutdown.enabled=true #禁用密码验证 endpoints.shutdown.sensitive=false 指定路径、IP、端口 #指定shutdown endpoint的路径 endpoints.shutdown.path=/custompa...
一、通过HTTP发送shutdown信号关闭应用 该方式主要依赖Spring Boot Actuator的endpoint特性,具体步骤如下: 1、在pom.xml中引入actuator依赖 <dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId></dependency> 2、开启shutdown endpoint Spring Boot Actuator的s...
Thanks to a default feature in Windows 10, choosing Shut Down from the power menu doesn't really shut down Windows. That's a great time-saving feature, but it can cause problems with some updates and installers. Here's how to do a full shutdown when nece
Shutdown: stops the cloud computer in the normal process. Forcibly Shutdown: powers off the cloud phone. In this case, unsaved data on the cloud phone may be lost. Click OK. Restart a cloud phone Make sure that the cloud phone is in the Running state. Log on to the ECP console...
GracefulShutdown: normal power-off ForceRestart: forcible restart Nmi: triggering a non-maskable interruption (recommended) ForcePowerCycle: forcible power-off and then power-on M Usage Guideline None Examples Request: POST
Tomcat重启脚本restart.sh停止脚本stop.sh 2016-12-29 20:24 − Tomcat重启脚本restart.sh停止脚本stop.sh Tomcat本身提供了 startup.sh(启动)shutdown.sh(关闭)脚本,我们在部署中经常会出现死进程形象,无法杀掉进程需要查询进程号kill掉才能正常启动。通过restart.sh脚本来解决这个问题比较好。 PS:经过后... ...
Start, Shut Down, Suspend, and Restart Managed Servers Restart Administration and Managed Servers Monitor Servers and View Log Data How Node Manager Works in the WebLogic Server Environment Diagram of Node Manager and Servers How Node Manager Starts an Administration Server ...
yarn start 和 yarn restart 区别 starting yarn daemons 上文说了下服务的初始化,本文认真说下服务的启动。 RMStateStore rmStore = rmContext.getStateStore(); // The state store needs to start irrespective of recoveryEnabled as apps // need events to move to further states....