1.redis启动报错 systemctl start redis-server Failed to start redis.service: Unit redis-server.service is masked 2.报错原因 systemctl 屏蔽了redis-server服务名 3.报错解决 systemctl 取消屏蔽服务名 systemctl unmask redis-server.service
I'm trying to install OpenVas but having trouble starting Redis server on CentOS. What should I do to troubleshoot? I install openvas by running (this installs redis and all other dependencies): # yum install openvas I try to start it by running: # systemctl enable redis && systemctl...
引言 这个问题出现在把redis编译安装以后,执行其中的/redis-3.2.3/utils/install_server.sh脚本把redis注册成一个服务以后出现的问题. 默认的服务名称应该是redis_6379, 在init.d下可以看到,为了更加方便,我把其改为了redisd 我们可以看到并没有运行成功 解决的方法是执行如下命令 systemctlenableredisd //后面是你...
The next step is to verify the existence and correctness of the Redis unit file. The unit file should be located at/etc/systemd/system/redis.service. Open the file using a text editor and make sure it has the following content: [Unit]Description=Redis ServerAfter=network.target[Service]Exec...
I start redis like this:redis-server How do I start redis so that it uses my config file? Also, I hate mucking about withps -grepto try and find a pid to shut it down. How can I shut down the server by cd'ing into the root and running just one command?
引言 这个问题出现在把redis编译安装以后,执行其中的/redis-3.2.3/utils/install_server.sh脚本把redis注册成一个服务以后出现的问题. 默认的服务名称应该是redis_6379, 在init.d下可以看到,为了更加方便,我把其改为了redisd 我们可以看到并没有运行成功 ...
systemctl status redis 状态信息: redis.service-redis-serverLoaded:loaded(/etc/systemd/system/redis.service;enabled;vendor preset:disabled)Active:active(running)since 日2023-04-0916:58:07CST;10s agoMainPID:25695(redis-server)Tasks:5CGroup:/system.slice/redis.service ...
1、对比redis.sever中的配置书写正确 2、重载了.server服务 : systemctl daemon-reload 3、执行启动命令报错写回答1回答 好帮手慕阿莹 2020-12-31 已采纳 同学你好, 老师的文件名称是: 请同学检查一下,同学的文件名称是否是写错了呢? 同学是否是写成了:redis.sever 请同学重新创建这个 redis.service 文件试...
今天在做应用的单元测试时,遇到一个使用embedded-redis的问题,记录如下: 在启动单元测试时,本地的redisServer启动失败,异常栈信息如下: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can’t start redis server. Check logs for details. at redis.embedded.AbstractRedisInstance.awaitRedisServerReady(AbstractRedisInstance.java:61) ...