1.docker exec -it redis01 bash #redis01(为容器名) 登录redis服务 登陆本地redis redis-cli 或者 redis-cli -p 6379 或者 redis-cli -p 6379 -a password #-a后面为password,此操作需要开启redis.conf文件中的 requirepass选项 登录远程redis redis-cli -h ip -p 6379 -a password 查看redis信息 首先登...
启动docker容器:(因为要使用自定义的配置文件,所以需要指定容器运行的命令为redis-server 容器内配置文件路径) docker run-d-p6379:6379--name redis--privileged=true\-v/app/redis/redis.conf:/etc/redis/redis.conf \-v/app/redis/data:/data \-eREDIS_PASSWORD=root \ redis:6.0.8\ redis-server/etc/r...
services:web:build:.depends_on:db:condition:service_healthyrestart:trueredis:condition:service_startedredis:image:redisdb:image:postgreshealthcheck:test:["CMD-SHELL","pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}"]interval:10sretries:5start_period:30stimeout:10s ...
redis-server: unrecognized service Docker version: root@ip-172-31-47-142:/data# docker --version Docker version 17.03.0-ce, build 60ccb22think (Think) March 25, 2017, 6:31am 2 best would be to avoid this use case. keep container lifetime as short as possible. restart containers as...
","_links":{"reference":{"href":"https://github.com/alibaba/aliyun-spring-boot/tree/master/aliyun-spring-boot-samples/aliyun-rds-spring-boot-sample"}}},{"id":"sca-redis","name":"Alibaba Cloud Redis","description":"高可靠双机热备架构及可无缝扩展的集群架构,满足高读写性能场景及容量需...
$docker update --restart unless-stopped redis The following command ensures all running containers restart. $docker update --restart unless-stopped$(docker ps -q) Restart policy details Keep the following in mind when using restart policies: ...
A deployment slot update allowing docker startup command to be specified. This will replace the "CMD" section in the Dockerfile.Method Summary 展開資料表 Modifier and TypeMethod and Description abstract Update<FluentT> withStartUpCommand(String startUpComma...
AzureRedisCacheEmulator AzureResourceGroup AzureServiceBus AzureServiceConnector AzureServiceFabric AzureSignalR AzureSpringCloudApp AzureSpringCloudService AzureSqlDatabase AzureStack AzureStaticApps AzureStorageAccount AzureStorageEmulator AzureSubscriptionKey AzureVirtualMachine AzureVMScaleSet AzureWarning AzureWebJo...
Docker Docker-Compose What DevCTL is useful for You have a frontend team that prefers to use the staging environment as their backend, so they don't need the API running You have a backend team that needs to run MySQL and Redis locally so they can test migrations and new endpoints ...
More information please see Docker PHP Best Practice https://github.com/khs1994-docker/php-demo How to connect Services ⛔ $redis->connect('',6379); ⛔ $pdo = new \PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=test;port=3306','root','mytest'); $redis = new \Redis(); $redis->con...