Start-Process -FilePath "notepad" -Wait -WindowStyle Maximized範例5:以系統管理員身分啟動 PowerShell此範例會使用 [ 以系統管理員身分執行] 選項啟動 PowerShell。PowerShell 複製 Start-Process -FilePath "powershell" -Verb RunAs範例6:使用不同的動詞來啟動進程此...
Start-Jobcmdlet 使用 ScriptBlock参数来运行命令。Get-Process使用 Name参数指定自动变量$args。 ArgumentList参数将进程名称数组传递给$args。 进程名称 powershell、pwsh 和 notepad 是在本地计算机上运行的进程。 若要查看作业的输出,请使用Receive-Jobcmdlet。 例如Receive-Job -Id 1。
How to make - Notepad can open its window maximized when each time launched? How to make an external USB HDD bootable How to map a network drive for my vm's? How to map a network drive remotely How to mount the EFI partition on USB drive from Windows 10. How to move Desktop ...
START /D C:\Documents\ /MAX "Maximised Notes" notepad.exe “Do not run; scorn running with thy heels” ~ Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice WMIC process call create"c:\some.exe","c:\exec_dir" - This method returns the PID of the started process. ...
powerShell "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe" This command would open the calculator on the local computer. Create .cmd File Launch Notepad, write the following commands, and save the file with a name but with the extension .cmd at %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup path....
Exit from pwsh $ Start-Process mousepad # starts mousepad $ exit # will exit pwsh and kill mousepad This behavior occurs on Linux and Windows. On Windows it is not always possible to reproduce, depending on the application. No problem: $ Start-Process notepad $ exit Hangs console window...
Version 22000.978 WSL Version WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version Distro Version Ubuntu 22.04 Other Software No response Repro Steps Create a powershell script with the following: # start SSH server and other applications in Ubuntu wsl ...
Export the Start menu to a JSON file using the Export-StartLayout command in Windows PowerShell. For the -Path switch, place a path and name the filename "LayoutModification.json". For example: Export-StartLayout -Path "C:\Layouts\LayoutModification.json" Once you've saved ...
"WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this object” (Beginner) Powershell - getting machine names from a text file and run queries, functions and conditions (Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation ) in powershell [ADSI...
I'm trying to start an application that will start via PS script. I create pulseway script using Windows Powershell to run this command but I can't get the application to start. $env:Path += "C:\Program Files (x86)\NetDocuments\ndOffice\ndOffice.exe" & "