启动:sudo service mongod start 停止:sudo service mongod stop 重启:sudo service mongod restart 如果不行旧换一种启动方式: sudo systemctlstartmongodb 如何查看mongodb是否启动? pgrep mongo -l 看到如下输出,代表启动成功 root:pgrep mongo -l10531mongod...
1. MongoDB默认使用mongodb用户和组启动,ID分别为999和120。所以,需要确保/data/db目录和其下文件属于mongodb用户和组,并赋予其读写执行权限。命令:bash sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /data/db sudo chmod -R 770 /data/db 2. 同样需要确保/var/run/mongodb目录也属于mongodb用户和组,并赋予...
mv/var/lib/mongodb /var/lib/mongodb1 5.给权限,原因:mongodb关于启动权限的问题 sudochown-R mongodb:mongodb /data/db 6.启动 root@ubuntu:/usr/local# sudo service mongod startmongod start/running, process29572 解决问题。 2016/12/15
mongodb开启并挂载在主机上 在计算机关闭mongo服务后,重启mongo时遇到本机ip无法访问和建立永久性服务的问题一.永久性服务操作(把mongo服务挂在计算机上) 1.打开mongo文件所在的bin目录下2.,在路径上...后无法开启出现如下现象 此时打开mongo所在目录data下找到‘mongod.lock’和‘storage.bson’这两个文件,删除重启...
mongodb rs 退出 mongodb startup2 新增一个非root超级账户 $sudo vi /etc/sudoers 1 找到 1 //找到 # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL //在下面添加 ubuntu ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
安装MongoDB报错Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Version: 1.1.0-0ubuntu1.1 GitCommit: docker-init: Version: 0.19.0 GitCommit: root@ansible:/usr/local/bin# @HungryHowiesThe MongoDB message indicates that your CPU doesn't support the AVX instructions. You can check your hypervisor settings if it's possible to enable these instructions for ...
sudo service mongodb start So what does this do in summary? It installs mongod DB on an ubuntu 16.0.4 linux Windows subsystem... Updates it... and runs it via the start command... hope this helps someone and everything in this thread was awesome but a little verbose and not to the...
ps -aux |grep mongod 发现mongod没启动起来 重新执行service mongod start没报错,使用serivce mongod status查看看到报错显示: mongod.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE 解决方法: cd /var/lib/mongodb chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb ...
I am trying to set up a replica set on my Ubuntu 18.04. MongoDB version: 5.0.0 I have secured the Mongodb service using password based authentication. When I add the replication value in /etc/mongod.conf replication: replSetName: “rs0” ...