Now run one more command:c:\vivetool\vivetool /enable /id:47205210 /variant:2. Restart the computer once you see theSuccessfully set feature configurationmessage. Now you can open the Start menu, click All apps, and check out the new design. Here's a video that showcases the changes. ...
A category view for sorting apps under specific umbrellas is in the works, revealed in a recent Windows 11 Beta build. Users can force the new feature to appear by tweaking their system using ViveTool, offering a glimpse of a potential improvement. Windows 11's Start menu isn't the best, ...
Microsoft is testing a new Start menu badges feature in Windows 11 build 25227, available in the dev channel. The Start menu badges feature is a new way to
Thus, if you are using Dev builds and want to remove Microsoft Account notifications from the Start menu, you will need the help ofViveToolfor this one. That being said, know that enabling hidden experimental changes could lead to instabilities and bugs. We highly recommend that you back up ...
In either Command Prompt or PowerShell tab of Terminal, type the following command: c:\ViveTool\vivetool.exe /enable /id:38937525, and hit the Enter key. Restart Windows 11 to see the change if you don't see it instantly. The new start menu search is not the only hidden gem in the ...
Classic Start Menu是一款非常出色的系统开始菜单栏增强工具,能够帮助用户更改菜单栏样式,支持所有windows版本,让你的菜单栏重回经典样式,有需要的朋友不要错过了,欢迎下载使用! 使用说明 1、Classic Start Menu提供了免费版本和Pro两个版本,在安装是可以根据自己的需求选择(专业版提供30天免费试用)。 2、完成安装之后...
Windows Server Insiders Server Preview Build 25066 seems to suffer from Windows 11's original start button issue with NO Functioning Right Click!