图片是最近做的一个matlab节点,在Labview中调用会报错:错误1050发生于Calculate GRR.vi中的LabVIEW:执行脚本时出错。来自服务器的错误 xiaohegege2018-02-03 16:46:53 为什么DSP28035 CLA无法响应task8而只能响应TASK1呢? ;Cla1Prog_Start); Cla1Regs.MVECT2 = ((Uint16) Cla1Task2 - (Uint16) &Cla1Prog...
我是labview小白,下载了labview2014并且安装好14的NIDAQ(需要打开的程序用到了)但在运行程序的时候出现错误200220发生于DAQmx-Create-Channel.vi设备标识符无效请问大家该怎么解决? ADO Connection Open.vi这是什么问题,数据库无法链接 错误-2147286789发生于NI_Database_API.lvlib:DB Tools Open Connec (String).vi-...
Perform other MATLAB operations. Generate Data Continuously For a continuous background generation, add a listener event to queue additional data to be output. s = daq.createSession('ni'); addAnalogOutputChannel(s,'cDAQ1Mod2',0,'Voltage'); s.IsContinuous = true; s.Rate=10000; data=linspace...
To simulate the hydraulic system, models from the Simscape/Fluids/Gas library of the Matlab Simulink environment were used, designed to simulate the flow of an ideal gas. The presented model uses the following gas dynamics simulation blocks: Fan (G), Pipe (G), and Fluids Local Restriction (...