LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="presenter-console presenter-minimizer" LINGUAS="zh_CN" OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION="libreoffice" PHP_TARGETS="php5-5" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby19 ruby20" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="intel nvidia" XTABLES_ADDONS=...
Office (LibreOffice Launcher) - Start any LibreOffice application from here. Database Development - Opens LibreOffice Base, an application similar to Microsoft Access. Spreadsheet - Opens LibreOffice Calc, an application similar to Microsoft Excel. Presentation - Opens LibreOffice Impress, an application ...
- useLongOptionNameGnuStyle: true [jodconverter-officeprocess-8] INFO - soffice info (from help output): Product: LibreOffice - Version: - useLongOptionNameGnuStyle: true [jodconverter-officeprocess-8] INFO
> similarly, launching an application from a console's command line returns > after > a few seconds. Nothing on the command line? Can't be a general problem since (and the UI tests and junit tests start up LibreOffice) ...
Just updated libreoffice to 7.2.1-3~bpo11+1. Now it hangs at start. Splashscreen is showing shortly, then disappears. The soffice process is running, but not responding anymore. No GUI shows up. Running it from the commandline does not show any message. ...
- useLongOptionNameGnuStyle: true [jodconverter-officeprocess-8] INFO - soffice info (from help output): Product: LibreOffice - Version: - useLongOptionNameGnuStyle: true [jodconverter-officeprocess-8] INFO
I'm using opensuse 11.4 kde 4.6. When I (try) to start libreoffice, splash window appears but program doesn't start. When I launch it from console as normal user i don get any clue, but as root user i got this: Code: I run "export $(dbus-launch)" and libreoffice works, but onl...
Description:MySQL Database on both systems appears to be working when checked through LibreOffice Base JDBC. My "test" database can be accessed on both my machines by both machines; Server(pluto), Workstation(neptune). On my Server machine, Workbench is misbehaving with regard to Admin-MANAGEME...
Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Cannot Start LibreOffice As Normal User I can start libreoffice as root user, but can't start as normal user. Shows error, exception "user" like something, now even that also stopped coming. View 4 RepliesView Related ...
Included in Siduction is a wide range of software, such as LibreOffice (including Base), Firefox, KDE Connect, GIMP, Inkscape, IRC, KMail, SSH Activate/Deactivate, Dragon Player (video player), Elisa (music player), Kaffeine (media player), SMPlayer (music player), and a whole lot...