sc config lanmanworkstation start= demand In the above command you can use any of the options {boot, system, autoordemand} to enable the service. To disable the service you need to run the following command. sc config lanmanworkstation start= disabled To stop workstation service: net stop ...
We normally useServices.mscto start or stop or disable or enable any service. We can do the same from windows command line also usingnetandscutilities. Below are commands for controlling the operation of a service. Command to stop a service: net stop servicename To start a service: net st...
Server Service, also known as LanmanServer.1.Check the registry key:HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters2.Check the associated DLL file name value for ServiceDLL.3.Physically check the location mentioned in the key ServiceDLL and make sure that the file is there. Like ...
Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11, Windows 10SymptomsThe LanmanWorkstation service doesn't start, and Windows generates the following message:Windows could not start the Workstation on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log....
command line: checking for service account values 06-08-2005,10:35:06 : not in maintenance mode 06-08-2005,10:35:06 : getting the silent params. 06-08-2005,10:35:06 : command line: checking for sso values 06-08-2005,10:35:06 : command line: checking for dlgchoosedbserver values...
Installation using the command line --- To install a service, run nssm install <servicename> <application> [<options>] NSSM will then attempt to install a service which runs the named application with the given options (if you specified any). Don't forget to enclose paths in "quotes" if...
语法:goto label(label是参数,指定所要转向的批处理程序中的行。) Sample: if {%1}=={} goto noparms if {%2}=={} goto noparms(如果这里的if、%1、%2你不明白的话,先跳过去,后面会有详细的解释。) @Rem check parameters if null show usage :noparms echo Usage: monitor.bat ServerIP PortNumb...
Restricting Service (Windows) IControlMarkup::OnKeyDown method (Windows) Submenu2ButtonText Element EAP_CRED_EXPIRY_RESP structure (Windows) IFaxServerNotify interface (Windows) IProtocolHandlerServices::CreateAccessor method (Windows) InterlockedIncrement16Release function (Windows) CD3D11_RENDER_TARGET_VIE...
LANMANSERVER Service Hangs LAPS - some computers not getting the AdmPwd reg key Laps question on password expiry Large number of files/folders?? last known good configuration Last Logon Time Stamp accuracy? Last Logon value = NEVER ?? LDAP Account Expiration Query LDAP bind failed with error ...
Setup a new server. When I go to Start > Run >\servernamei get network path not found. I can enter\servername\fileshareand the shared folder will come up. What needs to be turned on so i can get to the root of the server with all the folders listed?