(14)在Image File device parameters对话框中,一定要勾选Allow multiple concurrent iSCSI connections(clustering)。此项意义是让资源池中多个XenServer可以同时连接到此虚拟iSCSI盘中,然后单击“下一步”按钮,如图13-42所示。 (15)在Image File device cache parameters对话框中,Cache Mode使用默认值即可以,如图13-43...
(14)在Image File device parameters对话框中,一定要勾选Allow multiple concurrent iSCSI connections(clustering)。此项意义是让资源池中多个XenServer可以同时连接到此虚拟iSCSI盘中,然后单击“下一步”按钮,如图13-42所示。 (15)在Image File device cache parameters对话框中,Cache Mode使用默认值即可以,如图13-43...
addr=0x3' -iscsi 'initiator-name=iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:abaf84a6f7c7' -drive 'file=/mnt/pve/cephfs/template/iso/debian-10.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso,if=none,id=drive-ide2,media=cdrom,aio=threads' -device 'ide-cd,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide2,id=ide2,bootindex=200' -...
Places the service in the started state. Deprecated. Instead, use theRequestStateChangemethod. Invoking this method should set theRequestedStateproperty appropriately. This method is inherited from theCIM_Serviceclass. uint32 StartService(); Parameters This method has no parameters. Return...
For iSCSI Initiator (IQN), leave this set toNoneas we are not using iSCSI in this example. For vNIC placement, chooseAuto vNICs Placementunless there is a requirement otherwise. Click “add vNIC” forFabric Aand give the vNIC a name (some examples are names such as vNIC0...
在本地计算机上检索光纤通道 HBA 端口或 iSCSI 发起程序适配器。 安全地准备在本地计算机上作为磁盘公开的 LUN,以便将其删除。 VDS 通知结构将对象 GUID 传递给注册到 VDS 的所有应用程序,以接收通知。 使用IVdsService::GetObject方法可将对象 GUID 转换为对象指针。 有关通知模型的更完整说明,请参阅VDS 通知。
StopService method MSISCSITARGET_ReplicationServiceCapabilities MSISCSITARGET_SAPAvailableForElement MSISCSITARGET_SCSIProtocolController MSISCSITARGET_StorageCapabilities MSISCSITARGET_StorageClientSettingData MSISCSITARGET_StorageConfigurationCapabilities MSISCSITARGET_StorageConfigurationService ...
• On servers that use network interface cards for iSCSI storage access, install the Initiator Service and Software Initiator options; do not select Microsoft MPIO Multipathing Support for iSCSI. • On servers with a supported HBA, install only the Initiator Service option. On serve...
# rpm -qf /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/04-iscsi iscsi-initiator-utils- # cat /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/04-iscsi #!/bin/sh case "$2" in up|vpn-up) /bin/systemctl --no-block reload iscsi.service || : ;; esac ...
A daemon that handles the userspace side of the LIO TCM-User backstore. - tcmu: Add Start/Stop Command · open-iscsi/tcmu-runner@ad028e5