Wondering how to know when to start your vegetable and flowers seeds inside at just the right time to grow the perfect sized transplants for your garden and flowerbeds this year? If there is one thing that many gardeners struggle with in late winter, it’s knowing when to pick the best ...
Even though I like to use them, you don’t actually have to use a deli container when starting seeds indoors.You can use any kind of open container, but the deli container makes the seedlings sprout quicker because it is like a little greenhouse. If you use an open container, you will ...
flowers you like. Start planting (种植) them indoors first. When they're ready and the weather is fine, move them outside and take care of (照顾) them. Then enjoy the flowers with your family. Together reading is a good way to enjoy your time with your family. You can take turns (...
Today’s post really gets back to basics, because I’m walking you through how I start my seeds indoors. If you’re wanting to start gardening and starting some seeds, you might be a bit intimidated. I know I was. In this post, I’ll walk you through what you need to know to sta...
If it's your first time starting seeds indoors in winter, it's best to go small. Pick just one or two types that are easy to grow from seed like these favorite flowering annuals: 01 of 05 Marigolds Denny Schrock Many of us have memories of these jaunty flowers in our grandma'...
When you start seeds indoors in a vegetable garden, it can be difficult getting your schedule down to ensure that start your vegetable seeds with enough lead time that they are mature enough to venture outside but also not so large they take over your growing area. ...
Keep a diary. Write down what you planted and when to help you do better next year. Record the last frost date, and pay attention to what thrived and what wasn’t worth the effort for next year’s garden planning. Here's What You Need to Start Seeds Indoors ...
Not all plants should be started by seed indoors because they are better grown by sowing seeds directly in the garden. Root vegetables, like radishes and beets, and row crops, like beans and corn, simply don’t transplant well. Other crops—like cucumbers and zucchini or flowers like zinnia...
One of the most frequently asked questions from new gardeners is, when should I start my seed indoors? It all seems so complicated with many different types of seeds, both vegetables and flowers. This post will simplify the answer for you. ...
*Chard, collards, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard, plus many familiar herbs and annual flowers, are probably easiest direct-sown. In short-season Northern areas, starting heat-loving melons, cucumbers, and squash indoors (though all easy to direct sow) may offer a headstart.Print...