Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 12.2]: ORA-00445: Background Process "xxxx" Did Not Start After 120 Seconds
On Windows 10, services are programs that run in the background without a user interface and enable system features (such as printing, networking, remote access,File Explorer, Windows Search, updates, etc.) and apps to operate as intended. Although the system does a pretty good job managing ...
从Windows Vista 开始支持STARTF_UNTRUSTEDSOURCE标志,但它在 Windows 10 SDK 之前的 SDK 头文件中未定义。 若要在 Windows 10 之前的版本中使用该标志,可以在程序中手动定义它。 例子 下面的代码示例演示如何使用StartUpInfoW。 C++复制 #include<windows.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<tchar.h>void_tmain(...
Windows 7 has a few tools you can use to peek at programs and services that run automatically at startup or logon, most notably the System Configuration utility, Msconfig. But that built-in tool pales in comparison to the undisputed heavyweight champion of the category. ...
Starts all services for a Windows Deployment Services server. Syntax WDSUTIL [Options] /Start-Server [/Server:<Server name>] Parameters Parameter Description [/Server:<Server name>] Specifies the name of the server to be started. This can be either the NetBIOS name or the fully qualified doma...
Tip: Customize the Start Menu Options in Windows 7 Windows 7 provides excellent control over the Start menu. You can choose which commands appear on the Start menu and how they are arranged. You can add options for Control Panel, Devices And Printers, Network Connections, and other key tools...
对于计划作业,DefinitionPath参数的值$HOME\AppData\Local\Windows\PowerShell\ScheduledJob。 此参数是在 PowerShell 3.0 中引入的。 类型:String Position:1 默认值:None 必需:False 接受管道输入:False 接受通配符:False -FilePath 指定Start-Job作为后台作业运行的本地脚本。 输入脚本的路径和文件名,或使用管道将...
Method 10: Log on as Administrator (only for Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Microsoft Windows XP) If you are using Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP, log off the computer, and then...
Part 1: Reasons for a slow startup in Windows 11/11: Corrupt or out-of-date drivers. A computer will boot up slowly is drivers have not been updated. Programs that load as the computer starts up. These programs slow down the boot process because they automatically launch while the compute...
Start the new process in the current console window. By default on Windows, PowerShell opens a new window. On non-Windows systems, you never get a new window. You can't use theNoNewWindowandWindowStyleparameters in the same command. ...