按Windows+R直接打开运行。 2、转到启动文件夹 请使用以下Shell命令或运行命令为当前登录的用户打开“启动”文件夹: 在文本框中键入shell:startup,然后单击OK。 键入:%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup,然后按回车。 键入:\users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Prog...
更新了windows 11之后想把几个软件设置为开机自启动,结果发现shell:startup 不管用了,把快捷方式加入到启动文件夹并不管用。 软件自启动的快捷方式在C盘的“quick launch”文件夹下,把需要自启动的软件快捷方式…
Windows 11 operating system Type and search[Startup Apps]in the Windows search bar①, and then click[Open]②. In Startup Apps, you cansort apps byName, Status, or Startup impact③. Find the app that you want to change, and selectEnableorDisable④, the startup apps will be changed aft...
Configure startup applications from File ExplorerFix the error: We couldn’t find this app If you see the massage We couldn’t find this app as an app title in Settings, the app could be on a removable drive, a network drive, or the path to the app might no...
To be able to set the Tuta app to run on start up of my laptop and desktop. Desktop (please complete the following information): OS: Windows 11 Version: v244.240913.1 Additional context Other users on Reddit report the same problem. ...
To remove an app from Startup for the current user, open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run key. On the left, find a value that represents the app you want to stop from starting with Windows 11, and right-click it. Select Delete from the context menu. If...
One of the perks ofWindows 11is that you get to choose which apps run at startup for a fully personalized experience. For example, if you useMicrosoft Teamsfrequently for work, you may find it easier for the app to open once you start your computer in the morning to get you ready to...
I baffled by the fact that the app allows now to configure email notifications. That is great but if the app cannot start without someone clicking on the UX what good is that email config. I managed to add it to the startup apps. But the issue is that the app requir...
well. I started up my computer today and log in and get directed to a black screen. all my startup apps start up there but nothing happens. Then half an hour later the wallpaper loads and so does the... 2021-09-15 08:07:56, Error SP CSetupPlatformOSSwitchCh...
8 When finished removing Startup apps from the registry, you can close Windows Terminal and Registry Editor if you like. That's it, Shawn Brink Related Tutorials Enable or Disable Background Apps in Windows 11 Enable or Disable Startup App Notification in Windows 11 Add App to Run Automatic...