Zombie High is a 1987 film directed by Ron Link. The film was released theatrically on October 2, 1987 and stars Virginia Madsen as a beautiful young teenager that must fight against a boarding school that's intent on turning everyone into a Stepford-esque "perfect" student. Actors: Sherilyn...
After her retirement from films at the age of 22, Temple opted for public service, marking a new chapter in her life. She ran for Congress unsuccessfully in 1967, but later served in several diplomatic positions, including being US Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia, under the Nixon and ...
I got another text from Beth suggesting I should imagine myself in my perfect retirement setting, that little Cape Cod beach house I would love to have, with weekly maid service and plenty of money to have a nice Christmas with my family and to enjoy a dinner and movie out once in a ...
Retirement Planning. Though you are probably still years away from retirement, retirement planning cannot wait until you’re 60. Whether you will get a military pension or not we can help you plan wisely for a future beyond work. We look at when you are likely to achieve financial ...
As a rule, immediate annuities are worth considering if you want more guaranteed retirement income — and tax-deferred annuities are almost always a bad idea. 1 David Evans 6 years ago I am starting to set aside money for my children and aspirational grandchildren. My state has a low estat...
Joel says that the idea for the song came to him just after he'd turned 40. He was in the studio talking to a young adult who was talking about how tough the late '80s were for people his age. Telling Joel, "You were a kid in the fifties and everybody knows that nothing happened...
The real sun is still in the works, and probably will be until my last hours in retirement I'm happy to make new friends here! Wow, that's quite the introduction. And a world you've been working on for seven years! Good to have another teenager here, welcome aboard and...
These money-saving tips—from finding discounts to simple changes to your daily habits—can come in handy whether you have a specific savings goal, want to stash away cash for retirement, or just want to pinch pennies. It’s never too late to be more financially savvy. Read on to learn ...
After all, I was a grown womanwho had raised a family, not a confused teenager fresh out of high school.But when I started classes, I realized that those "confused teenagers" sittingaround me were in much better shape for college than I was. They still had all their classroom skills in...
The French film actress Brigitte Bardot became an international sex symbol in the 1950s and ’60s after posing for the cover of Elle at age 15. Though she was beloved by French leftists during the early years of her career for breaking film taboos against nudity, after her retirement Bardot...