Added support for TrafficMonitor taskbar integration when using an enhanced taskbar. When using non-enhanced mode the taskbar buttons will go under it if the taskbar is full, this is a limitation in how that utility works on Windows 11 with or without Start11. With an enhanced mode taskbar, ...
In Windows 11, you export the layout to a JSON file instead of an XML file.You can only customize the full layout. Partial layouts aren’t applicable in Windows 11.While you can define a default layout, users can change the layout, including pinning and unpinning apps....
Looking for the IT pro version of this topic? See Customize the Start menu layout on Windows 11Tip For the Windows 10 version of this topic, see Customize the Windows 10 Start layoutOEMs can customize the Windows 11 Start layout so that OEM-defined items (apps and/or websites) are pinne...
Let me explain. While we were busy shipping Start11 1.2, Microsoftheld an AMAwhere they talked about Windows 11 and adding features to the OS. The company acknowledged that with Windows 11 they are rebuilding the taskbar – something we already knew. While we don’t know the full reasoning ...
In olderInsider Preview buildsof Windows 11, it was possible to restore originalWindows 10 Start Menuwith live tiles support. Anyone could change the value of a DWORD calledStart_ShowClassicModeto1present underHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advancedkey in Registry...
Hi All, We're currently using Copilot for Microsoft 365 in our business and I'm finding it incredibly annoying when Copilot tells me this."Sorry, this...
I test drove Start11 today by StarDock and while it's certainly better and gives you the old 10 start menu exactly how I want it there are two major bugs. 1) When you click the Start Menu Button you still get the Win11 Start Menu. This is an actual bug, it's no...
About doesn’t offer any customization options other than giving the opportunity to purchase the full version and tell you how long you have in the free trial. 3. Create a new Start menu To create your own Start menu, begin by selecting what style and how many icons you want....
The Event Viewer shows detailed information on every operation carried out on the system. Learn how to view full event viewer logs inthis article. 2] See the last shutdown time using Command Prompt Open theCommand Prompt, copy and paste the following code in the window, and hitEnter: ...