Starsky & Hutch: Creato da William Blinn. Con David Soul, Paul Michael Glaser, Antonio Fargas, Bernie Hamilton. Due poliziotti di strada arrestano i criminali con la loro Ford Gran Torino rossa e bianca, con l'aiuto di Huggy Bear (Antonio Fargas), inform
So here is “Starsky & Hutch,” adding the ampersand for a generation too impatient for “and.” It’s a surprisingly funny movie, the best of the 1970s recycling jobs, with one laugh (“Are you OK, little pony?”) almost as funny as the moment in “Dumb and Dumber” when the kid...
When I see a Torino of this vintage, I think of eitherStarsky and Hutchor Clint Eastwood’s epicGran Torino. Yeah, I know the model years aren’t exact, but other than those two suggestions I draw a blank on these cars. The seller suggests. “A great car to bring to the next level...
I don't know about you but I'd give two headed Spidey/Cap anything he wants, DON'T HURT ME! I don't think that we can get away with those kind of water guns today.. The Fleetwood "Fly, Avengers Fly" items are way ahead of their time, especially since this is likely the first ...
The article argues that marketers and advertisers should consider thought-provoking content in marketing communications to keep with the change in popular entertainment. The book, Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter, by Steven Johnson suggests ...
IT'S A FLARE COP! They're Britain's Answer to Starsky and Hutch-Two Tough Manchester Tecs in a 1973 Cortina We Haven't Seen a Cop Show like Life on Mars in 30 Years, but Star Philip Glenister Reckons Its Controversial Content Blasts a Breath of Fresh Air at Today's Political ...