Starsky & Hutch: Creato da William Blinn. Con David Soul, Paul Michael Glaser, Antonio Fargas, Bernie Hamilton. Due poliziotti di strada arrestano i criminali con la loro Ford Gran Torino rossa e bianca, con l'aiuto di Huggy Bear (Antonio Fargas), inform
Starsky & Hutch: Regia di Todd Phillips. Con Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg, Fred Williamson. Due poliziotti furbi arrestano i criminali nella loro Ford Gran Torino rossa e bianca, con l'aiuto di un informatore della polizia chiamato "Huggy Bear".
Starsky & Hutchis a 2004 American crime comedy film. The film is an adaptation of the original television series of the same name from the 1970s, and centers on two cops who work for the Bay City Police Department. The font used for the film title in the poster is very similar toLegot...
As Hollywood works its way through retreads of TV series from the 1960s and ’70s, I find I can approach each project with a certain purity, since I never saw any of the original shows. Never saw a single “Starsky and Hutch.” Not one episode of “I Spy.” No “Mod Squad.” No...
asHutchalways aims for the funny bone. It features a mix of action scenes to compete with the original TV series, but these always take on a comedic tone. Whether by subverting standard expectations or by pouring on the excess, the flick finds a light and humorous approach to everything....
Fargas is the only actor from the TV series to appear in the game, though the actors used for Starsky, Hutch, and the captain all turn in fair approximations of the original actors. The dialogue they're given is pretty standard cop-show material; it's sometimes a little clever, sometimes...
Promotional portrait of American actors David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser sitting on the hoods of their cars, from the television series, 'Starsky and Hutch,' circa 1977. (Photo by Frank Edwards/Fotos International/Getty Images) David Soul, the American-British actor who played detective Ken ...
When I see a Torino of this vintage, I think of eitherStarsky and Hutchor Clint Eastwood’s epicGran Torino. Yeah, I know the model years aren’t exact, but other than those two suggestions I draw a blank on these cars. The seller suggests. “A great car to bring to the next level...
Amazon now confirms the original report that Gunn is attached to the newStarsky & HutchTV series, helping pen the script with brother Brian Gunn and cousin Mark Gunn. The new version is said to be “a continuation of the original 1970s series,” as well as “a character-driven one hour...
Starsky & Hutch: Creato da William Blinn. Con David Soul, Paul Michael Glaser, Antonio Fargas, Bernie Hamilton. Due poliziotti di strada arrestano i criminali con la loro Ford Gran Torino rossa e bianca, con l'aiuto di Huggy Bear (Antonio Fargas), inform