I'm doing my part. I'm doing my part too. 我要出力我也要出力 They're doing their part, are you? 他们全在出力你呢? Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. 加入机动部队拯救世界 Service guarantees citizenship. 入伍就能获得公民权 The bugs send another meteor our way... 虫族陨石再度...
I'm doing my part. I'm doing my part too. 我要出力我也要出力 They're doing their part, are you? 他们全在出力你呢? Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. 加入机动部队拯救世界 Service guarantees citizenship. 入伍就能获得公民权 The bugs send another meteor our way... 虫族陨石再度...
Starship Troopers《星河战队(1997)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,Young people from all over the globe... 全世界的青年男女 are joining up to fight for the future. 为全人类的未来奋战 Im doing my part. Im doing my part. 我要出力 我要出力 Im doing my part. Im do
I'mdoingmypart.I'mdoingmyparttoo. 我要出力我也要出力 They'redoingtheirpart,areyou? 他们全在出力你呢? JointheMobileInfantryandsavetheworld. 加入机动部队拯救世界 Serviceguaranteescitizenship. 入伍就能获得公民权 Thebugssendanothermeteorourway... ...
Starship Troopers《星河战队(1997)》完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: Young people from all over the globe... 全世界的青年男女 are joining up to fight for the future. 为全人类的未来奋战 I'm doing my part. I'm doing my part. 我要出力 我要出力 I'm doing my part. I'm ...
I'm doing my part. I'm doing my part too. 我要出力我也要出力 They're doing their part, are you? 他们全在出力你呢? Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. 加入机动部队拯救世界 Service guarantees citizenship. 入伍就能获得公民权 The bugs send another meteor our way... 虫族陨石再度...
I'm doing my part. I'm doing my part too. 我要出力我也要出力 They're doing their part, are you? 他们全在出力你呢? Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. 加入机动部队拯救世界 Service guarantees citizenship. 入伍就能获得公民权 The bugs send another meteor our way... 虫族陨石再度...
英文名称:Starship Troopers: Terran Command 游戏类型:即时战略类(RTS)游戏 游戏制作:The Artistocrats...
Permalink 1/10 Stupid, stupid, stupid...and boring too! Why are the Troopers of this movie shooting bullets at hordes of giant bugs? Someone occasionally throws a super-grenade, so if they have these tiny, high-powered explosives, why don't they make lots of 'em, and shoot the bugs ...
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