The gang at Santa Monica-based Bad Robot Productions began making"Star Wars" movies decades...Strauss, Bob
Fisher, who was best known for her role as Princess Leia in the original “Star Wars” trilogy, died Tuesday, days after suffering fromcardiac arrest aboard a flight. She was 60 years old. Williams wasn’t the only “Star Wars” co-star to remember Fisher. Mark Hamill, who played Luke ...
I saw the original theatrical release of the Old Trilogy on the big screen and I'm proud of it...How did I accomplish that (considering my age) is my secret... Author Han Solo VS Indiana Jones Time 26-Mar-2006 11:31 AM Post link Shouldn't this be in the General Star Wars ...
the company announced its plans to create a new set of films set after the events of the original trilogy. The first film in the sequel trilogy, 2015'sStar Wars: Episode VII -
Prowse played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, having been cast to don the suit because of his imposing height, though the character's voice was provided by James Earl Jones. He also acted in films like A Clockwork Orange and the 1967 James Bond parody Casino Royale, and ...
Eric has been a fan of Star Wars ever since the age of five (or so) when his parents sat him down in front of a TV with pizza and a Sprite and showed him the original trilogy. He keeps trying to convince more fans to read the amazing 1980s Star Wars newspaper ...
Replacing John, Paul, George and Ringo with the “Star Wars” foursome of Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca just seemed like a natural fit, and then searching through the original trilogy’s array of characters and replacing them one by one on the original artwork was quite a task. It took ...
Star Wars Star Wars Jeremy Allen White to play Jabba the Hutt's son Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is a poor '80s imitation LEGO Chewbacca set cut to lowest-ever price LEGO's C-3PO set drops to its lowest-ever price Original Star Wars trilogy gets streaming home...
Star Wars Star Wars Jeremy Allen White to play Jabba the Hutt's son Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is a poor '80s imitation LEGO Chewbacca set cut to lowest-ever price LEGO's C-3PO set drops to its lowest-ever price Original Star Wars trilogy gets streaming home...
Christopher Lee star in the prequel trilogy makes for a great homage considering his long-time Hammer colleague Peter Cushing played Grand Moff Tarkin. As both Sith Lord and high nobility, he adds a layer of intrigue to the politics that surround the emerging conflict that is the Clone Wars....