Leo’s Sickle, which includes the stars that form the head and shoulders of the Lion, includes six stars and was named after a harvesting tool. The six stars included are Epsilon, Mu, Zeta, Gamma, Eta, and Alpha Leonis. Brightest Stars in the Leo Constellation The brightest star in the ...
The Pleiades star cluster lies in the constellation of Taurus. (Image credit: Getty Images) We’ve always had a fascination with the stars, bright beacons of light that come alive when the sky darkens. They’ve been revered as gods, used to mark changes in the seasons, and as a way...
Ursa Minor, or, the Little Bear, is one of the most well known constellations and is found in the Northern Sky. It's notoriety is due to the ease with which it can be identified and because among the multiple stars that make up the constellation is the North Star, or Polaris. The ...
The three-letter abbreviation, adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1922, is Aqr.Aquarius contains two stars brighter than magnitude 3.00 and seven stars that are located within 10 parsecs (32.6 light years) of Earth. The brightest star in the constellation is Beta Aquarii,...
Leo, Cancer, Aries and Virgo are not only used in astrology but are actual constellations. Learn about constellations and constellation of stars in detail at BYJU'S
Another example is the northern asterism known as the Big Dipper (US) or the Plough (UK), which is made up of the seven brightest stars in the IAU-defined constellation Ursa Major. The southern False Cross asterism consists of stars from Carina and Vela’s constellations. In contrast, the...
Thanks for your reply. My maximum magnification is 80x with the BT100 so if you need 90x to see some of them I’ll lower me expectations. I wasn’t looking at anything in particular but for example according to sky safari, most of the stars that make up Orion constellation are double...
Leo is the 12th largest of all the constellations and in terms of the night sky, taking up up an area of around 947 square degrees. The constellation is visible at latitudes between +90⁰nd -6⁵⁰ according to theskywatching website"Constellation Guide". ...
Following the line of the Big Dipper’s handle further leads toSpica, the brightest star in the constellationVirgo. Spica appears at the base of a crooked Y asterism that extends in the direction ofDenebolain the constellationLeo. The Y of Virgo can be used to find theVirgo Clusterof galaxi...
What Have We Learned From Neutron Stars Interacting With Their Environment? Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Magnetars What Is a Born-Again Star? What Do We Learn About Supermassive Black Hole Sagittarius A* From Its Surrounding Stars?