Such a cosmos, with local peculiarities, was widely understood in Southern Africa before the end of the last century. By the early 20th century European colonial paradigms had largely obliterated this African worldview. This paper will offer a partial reconstruction. Pre-colonial South African ...
South Africa Tanda Tula – Sleep under the stars of the Timbavati Reserve, on a wooden deck tucked under a magnificent Leadwood tree in a four poster bed, under a feather duvet and a mosquito net. After an evening safari, you will be dropped off at this secluded location, a ladder leads...
The spinoff will see participants from previous seasons venture back into the South African villa where it is set for a second chance at finding love. “Love Island: All Stars” will bow in the new year. It is produced by Lifted Entertainment, part of ITV Studios, and GroupM Motion ...
The 1995 Rugby World Cup and the politics of nation-building in South Africa The 1995 Rugby World Cup was held in South Africa just one year after the country's first democratic elections. Throughout the tournament, the importance o... L Steenveld,L Strelitz - 《Media Culture & Society》...
If you live in one of Africa’s 54 countries, there’s a 65 percent chance you’re not online, especially if you live in a rural or remote area. If you’re a business owner in Bangkok, high buildings and narrow streets might be keeping your business offline and cutting foot traffic to...
From artificial intelligence to infectious diseases, top researchers in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan are making big impacts on the global stage.
Challenges of Including Sex Education in the Life Orientation Programme Offered by Schools: The Case of Mahikeng, North West Province, South Africa Teenage pregnancy and the prevalence of HIV among school girls are very high in South Africa, despite the introduction of sexuality education in schools...
When the Sun, the Moon and the Stars Align: Litigating LGBTQIA+ Rights and the Death Penalty in East Africa and the Caribbean This article analyses LGBTQIA+ rights and death penalty litigation in the Caribbean and East Africa before and after the establishment of new regional inte... C Salvat...
Ara, constellation in the southern sky, at about 17 hours right ascension and 55° south in declination. Ara has no bright stars; the brightest, Beta Arae, has a visual magnitude of 2.83. The constellation represents the altar on which Zeus and other Gre
While Africa has established stars across several sports globally, we have picked 15 who are not quite household names but set to prove in 2024 that they are ready to level up.