S.-S. Huang, Occurrence of planetary systems in the universe as a problem in stellar astronomy. Vistas in Astronomy, Vol. 11, 217–263 (1969). ADS Google Scholar G. Kakaras, On the frequency of double stars with different photometric effects. Bull. Vilnius Astron. Obs. No. 25, p. ...
N Stars In subject area: Physics and Astronomy 'N stars' refers to the number of stars observed or used in simulations in astrophysics experiments, where 'N' represents the quantity of stars being studied or analyzed. AI generated definition based on: New Astronomy Reviews, 2013 About this pag...
The IMF, ξ(m), is the distribution by mass of unevolved, zero-age stars, dN=ξ(m)dm=ξL(m)dlog10m being the number of stars in the mass interval m,m+dm and log10m,log10m+dlog10m, respectively, where ξL(m)=(mln10)ξ(m) is the “logarithmic IMF”. Inferring masses of star...
of their evolution when the nuclear fuel in the interior is almost used up. These stars grow dramatically in size and become Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB, the initial mass of\(0.8< M < 8\, M_\odot \), the exact value of the upper limit depends on the treatment of convection) or re...