新世纪|Songs From A Secret Garden-Secret Garden 51:37 「HiRes音质」来自俄罗斯的一位独立音乐人|纯音乐/电子|In My Dreams-Stive Morgan 1:06:56 「HiRes音质」放松一下心情,听点电子|Light in the Darkness-Trazer 56:45 「HiRes音质」带上耳机的瞬间心情就得到了放松!From the Sky-Ryan Farish 56:44...
Libra is the 29th constellation in size, occupying an area of 538 square degrees. It lies in the third quadrant of the southern hemisphere (SQ3) and can be seen at latitudes between +65° and -90°. The neighboring constellations areCentaurus,Hydra,Lupus,Ophiuchus,Scorpius,Serpens CaputandVirg...
Scorpius is the 33rd constellation in size, occupying an area of 497 square degrees. It lies in the third quadrant of the southern hemisphere (SQ3) and can be seen at latitudes between +40° and -90°. The neighboring constellations areAra,Corona Australis,Libra,Lupus,Norma,OphiuchusandSagitt...
The largest exoplanet that has been discovered isGQ Lupib in the constellation of Lupus. It is three times Jupiter's size (radius), the largest planet in our solar system. It orbits its star at 100 times Earth's distance from the Sun. The planet is too far away from its star to be...
There are 80 stars in the constellation; four of the 2nd magnitude, seven of the 3rd magnitude, ten of the 4th, etc. The brightest stara(in one of the latter coils), is namedThuban(Heb.),the subtle. Some 4,620 years ago it was the Polar Star. It is manifest, therefore, that the...
solar system. The observatory was the first telescope to reveal the grouping, with previous studies of the area missing the stars which are thought to be some of the youngest and coldest in the constellation. The discovery is a significant step in furthering our understanding of how stars form...
but there are many fainter galaxies in the region too. In the upper right of the constellation are a pair of interacting galaxies M81 and M82 shown in the image below. M82 is undergoing a major burst of star formation and hence called a "starburst galaxy". They can be seen together using...
Mira Variable stars are old stars that have passed the main sequence phase and vary in size and magnitude over time. Mira Variables are named after the first of its type to be discovered. The star Mira is in the constellation of Cetus.
Saturn, in the constellation Aquarius, gets to an altitude of 16 degrees by about 5:00 a.m.; at which point the sky is getting light – sunrise in New York City is at 5:45 a.m. Mars by that point is to the left of Saturn, 10 degrees above the horizon almost due east. Mercury...
lupus.png /usr/share/kstars/skycultures/western/lynx.png /usr/share/kstars/skycultures/western/lyra.png /usr/share/kstars/skycultures/western/mensa.png /usr/share/kstars/skycultures/western/microscopium.png /usr/share/kstars/skycultures/western/monoceros.png /usr/share/kstars/skycultures/...