直译是“眼里有星星”,其实真正的意思相差甚远。它的中文释义是: ①过于理想化或乐观的态度,通常是关于某个人对成功的渴望。 ②对电影或戏剧和所有相关的东西感兴趣。 例句: I don't think he'll become an actress, but he has stars in his eyes. 我认为他不会成为演员,但他却满怀希望。 He has stars...
但这说的可不是眼冒金星。这么解释是不对的哦。在某些语境下,它表示“成名的梦想;(尤指成为艺人的)明星梦 ”。另外,也可以表示对...怀有希望。 ●例句● I don't think she'll become an actress, but shehas stars in...
Stars in His Eyes IMDb rating The IMDb rating is weighted to help keep it reliable.Learn more YOUR RATING Rate User ratings It looks like we don't have any ratings for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. More from this title...
have stars in sb's eyes什么意思?直译是“眼里有星星”,其实真正的意思相差甚远。它的中文释义是:①过于理想化或乐观的态度,通常是关于某个人对成功的渴望。②对电影或戏剧和所有相关的东西感兴趣。例句:I don't think he'll become an actress, but he has stars in his eyes.我认为他不会成为演员,...
直译是“眼里有星星”,其实真正的意思相差甚远。它的中文释义是: ①过于理想化或乐观的态度,通常是关于某个人对成功的渴望。 ②对电影或戏剧和所有相关的东西感兴趣。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 例句: Idon'tthinkhe'llbecomeanactress,buthehasstarsinhiseyes. 我认为他不会成为演员,但他却满怀希望。 Hehassta...
have stars in sb s eyes 当一个人眼里有星星的时候,是眼冒金星?这么解释也是不对的哦,stars in sb s eyes根据语境理解,它有时候也表示“成名的梦想;(尤指成为艺人的)明星梦”。Have stars in sb s eyes可以表示对...怀有希望。 例句: I don t think she ll become an actress, but she has stars...
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Stars in His Eyes It looks like we don't have any news for this title yet. Be the first to contribute. IMDb.com, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users on...
Fricktion: Stars in his eyesMehta, Anjali
1、I don't think she'll become an actress, but she has stars in her eyes. 我认为她不会成为演员,但她却怀抱希望。 2、He has stars in his eyes the moment we talk about the latest movies. 我们一谈到最新的电影...