From the Department of RadiologyChanghongFrom the Department of RadiologyZhouFrom the Department of RadiologyHaiyuFrom the Department of RadiologyQJM: An International Journal of MedicineLiu H, Juan YH, Wang W, Liang C, Zhou H, Ghonge NP, et al. Intramuscular cysticercosis: starry sky appearance....
Liu H, Juan YH, Wang W, Liang C, Zhou H, Ghonge NP, et al. Intramuscular cysticercosis: starry sky appearance. QJM. 2014;107(6):459-61. https://doi. org/10.1093/qjmed/hct243Liu H, Juan YH, Wang W, et al. Intramuscular cysticercosis: Starry sky appearance. QJM 2014 Jun;107(6...
Pediatric RadiologyCrapp S, Harrar D, Strother M, Wushensky C, Pruthi S. Rocky Mountain spotted fever: "starry sky" appearance with diffusion-weighted imaging in a child. Pediatr Radiol 2012; 42:499-502.• Crapp S, Harrar D, Strother M, Wushensky C, Pruthi S. Rocky mountain spotted...
The starry sky hepatic pattern is an unusual ultrasonographic appearance of equine liver characterized by numerous small, hyperechoic foci, some of which cast an acoustic shadow, distributed randomly throughout the hepatic parenchyma. Our objectives were to describe the signalment, clinical signs, ...